FLAIR contest entry

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This is my entry for the FLAIR graphic contest's 4th competition, with the theme of Greek Mythology

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This is my entry for the FLAIR graphic contest's 4th competition, with the theme of Greek Mythology. Uh...I'm not as good at graphic stuff as some other people, so I probably don't stand a chance, but.....here you go, Luckybug!!!


It's uh, probably not what you were expecting. As far as I know right now, I'm the first one to do a monster theme?? When I heard Greek Mythology, the first thing that came to mind was Cerberus, I have no idea why- but I didn't wanna do it. I thought it would be too hard. But I ended up doing it anyway.

I don't have photoshop, so what I do is I draw the picture in my sketchbook, then outline and color it and add any extra details in Paint 3D.

I was thinking maybe...a book about Cerberus's past? Like, we know nothing about that dog! Is it a boy? Is it a girl? Who're its parents? Where did it come from? Just stuff like that.

Well, I hope you like it!

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