Chapter 15- Ironic Scorn

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I sighed angrily, and finally forced myself to sleep. What met me in my dream wasn’t pleasuring.

Pain. Suffering. Distress. Torment. Anguish.

I could see them all. A young boy was seated in a cave like area, with chains attacked to him arms. I gasped loudly, and covered my mouth. Stadning above him, was the evil man from my nightmares. He and the figure were in a cave with blood smeared in a trail around it. My face was screwed up in a grimace, and I watched the next events unfold.

The boy cried out as the figure held onto his arms. I heard the evil shadow chuckle as he tortured him.

Why?" he screamed in agony. The cloaked figure looked down at him with an audible deep rumbling sound eminating from his chest.

"Don't you remember? I paid you a visit one day," the man said. Suddenly, a ghost of a woman’s lifeless body with her eyes hallow layed next to the evil man. Blood was splattered everywhere on everything.

"I don't remember!" the boy shouted, helpless to the pain that was obvious in hs eyes.

"Of course you don't, I could tell you blocked that part of your memory out," he said then his eyes turned a dark red color and he roared, "You think your mother was an angel? She was a witch! I will get revenge for what she did to me!” The cloaked man suddenly yelled. I shivered in fear, and anticipated the boy’s next words,

“What did she do?” he asked in a small voice.

What did she do?Your mother bested me! She tricked me, she tricked death! She cheated, and I swore revenge that very day. And here you and that girl came here, James. It was perfect. I could not have planned better on it. Of course, that weak girl was not worth it,” he spoke.

"Hey! Watch it! Don’t talk about her that way!” James cried out angrily as he defended the mystery girl. I tried racking my brain for why the name ‘James’ triggered something in my heart. It didn’t strike up any memories in my head though.

“Who? Your mom or you petty little friend?  Because that weak little friend of yours doesn’t even remember you right now. She’s fine, and safe. Your mother though went through these tests as you have. Sadly for you, she only made it enough to survive a year after it. After that, I paid a visit,” the figure gestured over to the remaining ghost form of the woman. Now, it was identified as his mother.

“Y-you killed my mom! Your broke my family!” James cried out. The figure bent down next to him,

“James, don’t you realize? If you were to survive after this, you would only be putting yourself in a world in the future. You would automatically become the age that would fit you. You would be become half a century older,” the scary shadow murmured.

This mysterious ‘James’ widened his eyes, but didn’t speak. That was the last action he did before I woke up from my dream. 

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