Chapter 13- Traitor

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The sound of an automobile crash, woke me up in the middle of the night. Of course, I knew that there was, indeed, no car crash. There couldn’t be, but it still sounded that way. My eyes shot open, and I glanced around the room. I uncurled my arms from around my knees, and got up shakily. My back and head ached from the uncomforable ground. I looked around,

"James?" I whispered loudly. I heard a muffled yell. I whipped around, trying to find the source of the sound. The only sound left in the room was my deep breathing, and my pounding heart. “James?” I asked again in a small, frightened tone. I rapidly turned around to see where he was, but I couldn't see anyone. I spread my arms out to feel anything if it went past me, and I tried walking around the blacked out room.

I suddenly saw a a shadow black figure holding a silhouette by his shirt. I quinted to see more, and I realized that the silhouette was, in fact, James. I looked up nest to him, and my breath hitched as I realized that the figure was looking right at meThe creature had glowing red eyes- just like the sea monster's and the ape's. As my eyes adjusted to the plunging darkness, I saw more colors and more of this hideous creature that held James. It had grey skin, and a crooked smile. Yellow teeth hung out of its mouth like bats would on a cave. The creature wore a sleek black cape and was bald. At once I realized that this hideous monster was Death. How could it not be?

His greyish, deathlike skin was filled with scars. This man was Death. I kept repeating that, and every time it got eerier; I just got angrier at this figure.

I just stood there frozen with terror, not only because of the fact Death was standing right in front of me holding my best friend, but also because this ‘Death’ was the creator of everything that tried to kill us. His beady, red eyes followed me as I stepped an inch closer to James. The red spheres narrowed into slits. Just looking into his bloody eyes, made my body and mind go numb. As I took another step, I tried to think of ways why Death had made me angry. I did this to allieviate my terror, and use anger against him instead. It worked.

 He killed a loved one, he tried to kill James and I, he was evil. I could almost see Malia’s blood dripping down from his cloaked hands. I used all my courage to glare at him with hate, fustration, and helplessness.

"Why?" I said coldly, not trying to let my emotions seep into my voice. "Why take her? Why take us?" I boomed when he didn’t respond. My fingernails dug into my palms, as I remembered watching Malia's last breathe, her last glimpse. She had only seen the darkness of the cave, and the treachery of Death.

"That crazy lady? Oh Phaedra, you should know better than trust a psychopath like her," Death spoke in an all-knowing voice. He sounded like he was reprimanding me, as if I was the one who had done wrong to trust her.

"She was not a psychopath," I spat, "she was my friend!" I glared at Death, fury bounded in me. I pointed a shaky finger at him, furious, "You! She was never a crazy lady. You did that to her," I yelled angrily, all my previous self control gone. Without thinking, I lunged at him. He didn’t move, nor flinch. I flew straight through him, in a quite litteral manner. It was like he was a ghost. I flew right into the wall he was standing in front of. He turned around, and dragged Jamed around with him. Now, I was cornered against a wall.

 Death was invincible. I hadn’t really thought that much about it before, but now I see that my fate really has been sealed. I would never leave this place. He chuckled evily, "Malia? You want to see your precious Malia now? She’s not doing that well without you, I’m afraid.”

Suddenly, a ghost of Malia ran right past me, and went to the opposite wall, “Where is he? Is he gone? Am I free?” she whispered loudly to herself. She paced back and forth, it was as if she couldn’t see us. “Answer me!” she trumpeted loudly, scaring the wits out of me. She was looking dead ahead at me. Her eyes looked crazed, and a her mouth looked limp with a crazy smile on. I gulped, and pushed myself further againstthe wall.

“I-I-Malia?” I stuttered. Malia seemed like she couldn’t hear me, she just continued to rant in her crazed state. Suddenly, she dissapeared. I looked back at the treachorous red eyes.

“Why do this?” I asked inaubly. He, of course, heard me. He showed me a sadistic smile,

“Do what? You are the one who tried to kill death itself. It doesn't work that, Phae,” he snapped. With that he pulled out his scythe, and ran his deathlike skeleton fingers across it like it was only a butter knife,

"See little Phaedra, I'm not allowed to kill you personally. I just take your soul once you are dead," he told me angrily. I could feel the modd of the atmosphere shift quickly. This brought on a sense of fear from me.

"I will never die," I lied through my clenched teeth looking at him, mentally burning a hole in his head. Death then looked happy,

"Oh! Do tell me how you plan to remain invincible,” he grinned evilly. I opened and closed my mouth angrily, trying to come up with something. Unfortunely, nothing came out. “Nothing? Correct, Phaedra because I am the only invincible figure in this room,” he said, and then came close to me, so that I could feel his evil aura, “and I will exploit that,” he promised. Tears threatened to leak from my eyes from the helplessness I felt.

Death took a step backward, thinking he won. He did. He had won. Not like the thoughts and dreams I had from the start of these tests. I the end, he was more powerful than any of us would ever be.

"Let him go." I croaked, as I glanced at James behind Death. Death laughed cynically, and shook his head. He brought his scythe up to James, next to his neck. My eyes grew wide and Death laughed,

"No. I think not Phaedra. You see, I brought you two in this game for a reason. Two different reasons, of course. I may not need you anymore” Death spoke. It was then that I realized that he had complete control over me. It wasn’t surng the start of the tests, or even in it. It was he said that line, like he could kill me whenever he wished.

Oh, Phaedra there are things you will never understand. See, James here will only be kept safe if you are gone. Your time here is done. You will leave, or James is dead. Death’s voice echoed in my ears. I snapped my eyes up to him, with my eyes wide in fear,

W-what will you do to him? I stuttered out in a thought to him

Nothing too bad if you leave. Your presence here will only kill him. I’ll make sure of that.

I gulped loudly, and bowed my head in resignation.

“Please,” I murmured in a quiet voice, “please at least keep James safe,”

“Phaedra!” James yelled hyterically. I looked up at him, his eyes were wide with fear and utter atonishment.I I squeezed my eyes, so I wouldn’t see his face.

“Say goodbye to your traitor friend, James. I guess she never really cared,” Death smiled evilly, “You won’t remember a thing, Phaedra.”

Before I could react, I felt my body awaken and sparks of electricity shooting through it. My vision suddenly blurred, and everything turned black. The last thing I heard was James’s scream echoing through my mind as he pleaded for me. His traitor best friend.

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