Chapter 2- Forebode

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I opened my eyes slowly and saw that I was in a white room, a large white room that stretched as far as my eyes could see. I could hear a door open and close and the sound of a scruffy voice and a sob, my mother’s sob. It was like they were in the room right next to me. But there were no doors to get in. It felt like I was in a bubble of my own. A bubble which I really needed to get out of.

"Mom!" I screamed, running towards a white wall. Anxiety and confusion overtook me, driving me wild.

 "Mother! Mom, let me in!" I pounded the wall, wishing desperately it would break. Each time my fist connected to the wall, it gave out a gunshot sound. It was if the wall was like shield I could not penetrate. With each booming sound, my hopes of breaking the wall diminished.

 "Mom, please! Let me in!" I tried again; tears ran down my eyes as I struggled to contain my frustration and fear. I kicked the wall one last time and sat down. Now that I was sitting, I couldn’t help but feel helplessness. What happened to Sydney? Why could I hear them? Where was I? For all I knew, I could be dead. I breathed harder and I could feel my purple tank top expanded with each breathe I took. My skinny jeans felt constricted, which never happened. I suddenly felt claustrophobic, even if it was a large and never-ending place. For once I wanted a hair tie so I wouldn’t have to look at my knotted, red hair.  

Even through my teary green eyes, I saw a boy approach me. As he got closer I saw that he had blond hair, brown eyes, and was tall. Maybe my vision made him tall since I was sitting down. He looked around my age. He was wearing pale jeans, and tight fitted, white shirt. It felt as if I time travelled. His clothes were so clean and tidy, it seemed like nothing had ever touched it. As he approached, he smiled.

"Who are you?" I asked, frightened. Now that he actually seemed to be coming for me, I shrank away. My heart pounded. I backed up a little.

    "I'm James," he said, chirpily; he had a big grin on his face and his brown eyes seemed light and happy. My fear of him eased off a little from his overly happy attitude.  He extended a hand, but I cowered back a little. A small frown made a way in his face, but as fast as it had appeared, it was gone.

"Here, let me help you," he said, and before letting me argue he reached out and pulled my arm up, so I stood.  "What's your name?" James asked, eyeing me curiously. I nervously wrung my hands together. My eyes darted to the floor.

     "Phaedra,” I said in a low voice. I looked at him, waiting for his response. He scrunched up his nose, and at first I thought it was distaste for my name, but then I realized he didn’t hear me. I sighed softly, and repeated it louder. He smiled at me,

“That’s a really unique name,” he murmured. I blushed and looked away; normally, when people heard my name they would ask for me to repeat and would try to hide their confusion for the weird name I owned. As I learned of his kindness, I let myself ask all the questions that buzzed in my head.

 “What are you doing here? What is this place?" I asked hurriedly, and with utter confusion. One moment, I was peacefully laying in a hospital bed, and the other I was in a large white hallway. Or at least it seemed like a hallway, and it was so white!  Wait, was this heaven? I thought that it would be a little more accommodating, maybe with activities and decorations. This seemed a bit…bland. Then, was this Hell?  It couldn’t be! I couldn't remember the last time I did something terribly bad...wait... Peyton’s-

"This is the Waiting Room," he stated simply, cutting through the horrid thoughts in my mind. A smile was still plastered on his face. It didn’t seem fake, it seemed genuine; which was weird because he didn’t seem the least bit disturbed about the fact that we were in a white room with no way to get out. Then what he said registered in my mind.

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