Chapter 6- Unnatural Beauty

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"Wake up sleepy head," James said, "breakfast is ready." I woke up, and I saw that James had gotten up and sat at the table. I yawned, and stretched. My eyes directed themselves to my calf. The bandage was a little yellow and had a little blood on it. I unraveled the long bandage to my wound. The cut was red but dry. It was a thin, jagged line scraped across my calf. I touched it to see if it still hurt. It didn't. I glanced at my arms, and there was only a slight amount of bood on the bandages. I pushed myself up from the ground, and limped my way towards the brightly lit table.

 James noticed my struggle, but I quickly shook his head before he came to aid me. I really needed to get used to putting weight on this leg. On the table was another feast, and I carefully took a piece of bread from the center.

“I think we should leave here as soon as possible and maybe rest while we are on the next trail,” James said. I nodded slowly. He took note of my hesitation,

“Phae, we need to keep moving, and-” I cut him off.

Phae?” I grinned cheekily, he made me a nickname? He turned away sheepishly, but still answered.

“Yes, Phae. Now, I think that once we are out of here, we can rest there was long as want,” he said.

“What’s wrong with being here? There are no tails here, the next place we go, we will be waiting for a trial!” I exclaimed. Once I had woken up, I had immediately seen a door that had appeared. Of course, I knew it was to go to the next trial.

“Please, Phaedra. I promise I’ll help you, I just want to keep moving,” he begged me. I sighed in deject and nodded, “Okay.”

He grinned at me, and stood up, walking towards the door. He opened it in an exaggerated sweeping gesture,

“My lady,” He bowed. I smiled, and got up from my chair. I quickly limped towards the door, and stepped inside with quick ‘thank you’ to him.

As I limped into the doorway and out if the room, I saw the true magical side of it. It was dark blue with glow-in-the-dark stars. The ground held feather-like grass with morning dwew on it. The surroundings looked so real- it was if I was looking onto a meadow with twinkling stars. I sighed contently, and James looked at me warningly. Right, I wasn't supposed to get too entranced with the room. This was survival, yet the room looked so inviting. I limped over to a wall, and sat there on the ground; I waited for James to catch up to me. Once he sat down, a small detail caught my eye, and I realized what the next test was.

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