Saiouma again cuz I can

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shout out to Lee for the ideas 😼✌🏻

Coke-kichi Ouma was on stage right now and sang one of his most famous songs called "emo boy" while his boyfriend, Shuichi Sahara desert hugged him from behind. The song was written for Ouma's bf, who always was with him on the stage so he won't attack his fans and eat their hair again. After the show they had a meet and greet where Hoema almost lost his control and ate his fans' toenails. When they wanted go home it started raining and Ouma got very mad.
"Calm down chihuahua and take my jacket don't worry the white stuff on it is just cocaine"
"oumalord thanks bro"
On their way home they held hands how cute (:
until Ouma run away again.
"He's probably visiting his wolf family again" Shuichi thought and went home.

time skip brought by my writer's block and Junko's beautiful Hand

Shuichi woke up to something poking him when he opened his eyes a nerf bullet hit his eye and he went blind.
On the other eye he saw Kokichi standing beside the bed with a nerf gun which really turned him on.
Shuichi pinned Kokichi onto the bed and said "aooghaaa" before sucking on his toes.
that's it.

time skip cuz I can't think of anything else that won't be really scary and weird-

They ate breakfast as usually.
Kokichi had 5 bottles of grape panta, 69 cinnamon rolls and 666 pieces of
✨Börek✨ (u don't have to know what that is 😔🤚)
Shuichi had a black coffee and black coffee jelly cuz he didn't enjoy sweets.
When Shuichi siped his coffee he tasted something HORRIBLE and DISGUSTING and GYAHHH EWWW he immediately knew what that was...
it was grape panta... 🙀😔🤚
It was the most horrible thing he ever experienced.
I mean coffee and grape panta can't taste good they don't mix.
anyways Kokichi started singing
"come on fugg me emo boy
come on fugg me emo boy
come on fugg me emo boy
come on fugg me emo boy
come on fugg me emo bo-"
Shuichi killed him by biting off his toes.


(this story isn't that creative cuz I tried not to scare Lee if they see this cuz my fantasy can be really terrifying and weird and just creepy-)

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