🍋Shuichi x Kokichi 🍋

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After Kaedead's execution Shoeitchy Shyhara was very emo and depressed. He cried into his emo cap cuz he was so emo like an emo boy. After crying into his Kirigiri body pillow and listening to MCR he heard a knock on the door. When he opened it he saw Cockitchy Hoema in a maid outfit! His nose immediately started bleeding cuz he was such a simp. He took the smooool lil maid to his bed and started striping him. Kokichi was wearing Barbie panties which really turned Shuichi on. When they both were completely nakey dakey Shoeitchy fugged him without preparing cuz he was such a virgin.

-next day-

Both non-virgins were heading to the dinning hall but it was pretty hard for Cockitchy to walk.
"Hey virgins why is Cockitchy walking like he was fugged 15 times in a row?" Miu asked em.
"We aren't virgins anymore and we did it 69 times in a row without preparing hah suck it hoe." Shoeitchy said.

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