Kamukura x Nagito

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Kamukura: here put this on
Nagito: kay kayyyy
*puts on maid outfit*
Nugget: wöåh I look sooo... rawr
hey Kamukura Kamukura yas queen check me out
Cumukura: wöåh u look so rawr babygorl
Nuggettoe: let's go to da mall I want cat stuff

time skip to da moooll

Toe: wöåh look at these çät ears
Cum: let's steal sum
*steal steal*
Toe: *puts on* now u can eat me baby
Cum: rawrrrrr *gets hørñéé*
nom nom nom I like eating cumcumber cats in maid outfits
*eats légg*
Toe: nooœ without léggs I can't eat cumcumbers
Cum: *eats ear*
Toe: ahhhh~ bebishhhh rawr
Cum: *eats dikk dikk*
Toe: I'm a hoe now

I dunno why I want everyone to die by someone eating their no-no square
I just have the urge to eat somebody

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