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Leaves crinkled with shift of muscle. Small breaths exhaled into the air. "Target's in sight," a voice whispered over the ear-comms. The target licked its paws, unaware of the people after them. "Tell me your positions." The team were close. "Alright on my go in 1- Naruto!" The voice crackled in the ear-comms.


"Th-This is Tora?" Akemi questioned. Sasuke nodded. "The red ribbon as specified," Sakura hummed. Loud growls and hisses sounded behind them. "Ah! Get this cat off me!" Naruto yelled while he tried to yank the cat off his face, trying to keep it from ripping his skin off. "Here, let me," Sasuke outstretched his arms. The cat, Tora, meowed with a curious tilt of her head at the other human boy. After a second of observation she jumped into the awaiting human's arms and snuggled in the crook of his elbow. She purred happily. "Heh, Sakura, seems you have competition," Kakashi chuckled. Sakura turned to her love-interest. Oh ma Kami! Kakashi-sensei is right! She thought. "You really shouldn't rush things Aniki," Akemi said concerned to his blond brother. "The cat was just there!" Naruto said in protest. "Yeah, but in future we have to listen to our mission leader and follow his orders, no insubordination," Akemi tutted lightly.

Lady Shijimi was a plump woman with painted red lips and extravagant ware and hair. She is the Fire Daiyamo's wife. She smothered Tora and the cat meowed in protest. Naruto snickered at the scene. Serves you right, you dumb cat, Naruto thought.

The woman gone and the Third straightened in his seat. He held up a single paper and read out missions for Team 7. "Cleaning out Mrs Kim's garden, babysitting someone's granddaughter-"


Sarutobi Hiruzen looked curiously at the blond. Iruka stood up, aghast at Naruto's outburst. "Hm?" The Third hummed in question. "Give us a better mission, stop giving us baby stuff," Naruto huffed. "I'm not the same prankster as before," he pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. The room of adults looked unconvinced. Naruto feigned a coughed and nudged his twin's arm. "U-Uhm, y-yeah!" Akemi said with a sheepish chuckled and scratched his nape. "Not the same," Akemi emphasized. The room was silent for while before the Hokage let out a small snicker. "Fine," said the older man, his shoulders still shook, "I'll give you, a C-rank mission, an escort assignment."

Thank Kami, something worth my skills, thought Sasuke. Those D-ranks were boring! Sakura thought. I wonder who's it gonna be, Akemi thought, his inside buzzed with excitement. "Woah! So who is it old man?!" Naruto questioned with pure glee. "A princess?" Hiruzen shook his head with an amused chuckled. "Bring in the bridgebuilder!" The Hokage commanded. The door slid open, the air first reeked of alcohol then in stepped an old man with a beer bottle hanging in his hand. Akemi held his stomach. Oh Kami, it stinks! The boy thought in alarm. An unhealthy shade of green spread over the redhead Uzumaki's cheeks.

"The name's Tazuna, a master bridgebuilder, your job is to protect me until the bridge is completed." The man said with a small drunken slur. The group blinked at the man. The old man finally registered who he was talking to and raised a brow. "Seriously," he scoffed in disbelief, "How is that runt of a gaki with that stupid look going to protect me." Kakashi sent a polite smile with his visible eye. Naruto looked between himself and teammates. "He, who's the small gaki with stupid look on his face?" Naruto snickered. Something registered within the mind of the blond. His blue eyes rested on his redhead twin. Akemi had a nervous smile with a hint of green on his cheeks. Naruto gasped, "Why'd you call my brother a runt and stupid?! His not stupid!" Naruto growled. "Uhm, Naruto?" Sakura whispered but the blond did not hear because he was spewing threats of death at the client. A small tap on Sakura's shoulder turned her attention tot he redhead. "It's okay, I'll accept it," Akemi hummed. Sakura raised a brow at the boy, she noticed the scrunched up nose and the red head's slight sway. "D-Do you need the bathroom, Akemi?" The girl asked with genuine concern. The redhead groaned, "We better get this over with before I barf out my insides," Akemi pressed and a small whine left his lips. Wow! Who would've thought, wondered Akemi. The redhead was shocked that the Pink Genin could be this kind. The stench of alcohol reached his sensitive nose. Oh Kami! Can we leave already!

Team 7 with Tazuna met at the gates of the Hidden Leaf Village. "Woah, it's my first time leaving the village," Akemi murmured to himself and took a step out of the village. By now his nausea had disappeared thanks to the smell of the pure forest air but the stench of alcohol still lingered. Akemi looked over to his brother. He looked elated, jumping in joy and all. Akemi smiled, it made him happy to see his brother happy. For a while it was Akemi who was the older brother and had to look after Naruto, however after the incident Naruto took back the title. When people are faced with a problem they step up to the challenge and that is what Naruto had done.

A warm shadow pulled up next to the redhead. Akemi stiffened and turned to his side. "U-Uhm, hey," said Akemi, his purple orbs flickered anywhere but the other. Sasuke pursed his lips, it went unnoticed by the redhead. The Uchiha left and walked upfront with his hands pressed in his pockets.

Akemi breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back to look at the sky. There was no sign of clouds. A tingling heat wound up on his cheeks. Eh! Even when there is no clouds, I think of Shika-kun! The boy inwardly squealed. "Akemi! Come on!" Naruto exclaimed and pulled at his brother's arm. Akemi nearly stumbled over his own feet at the force of the pull but caught himself just in time. "O-Okey," answered Akemi.

The sun was high and the walk to the Wave country was calm. Akemi took to walking in the front with his brother, he chose to stay away from the man who reeked of alcohol. Akemi felt a stare on his back and turned to look over his shoulder. None of his teammates nor the client was looking at him. But I swore I felt someone looking at me, the redhead thought. Akemi shook his head and turned back to the front.

"Tazuna-san, you're from Wave Country right?" Sakura asked. Tazuna hummed. "Kakashi-sensei, do they have ninjas in Wave Country?" The girl asked her teacher. The Hatakd went on to explain the politics behind the Shinobi forces and locations of the Hidden Ninja villages. Akemi listened intently from the front. Wow, if Naru-nii becomes Hokage he'll have to deal with a lot of paper work like Sarutobi-ji, thought Akemi.

The group passed by a puddle of water.

The group was in a comfortable silence. Akemi felt the stare on him. He looked over his shoulder and flickered his gaze to the tree line. Nothing? The boy thought. I must be imagining things.

A blur struck the air and wrapped around the unsuspecting Kakashi.

Akemi looked on with wide eyes as his teacher was dismembered. He froze in place. "S-Sensei?" the boy stuttered, laced with fear. Naruto's frightening yelp broke Akemi from his frozen state. The redhead whipped his head to his brother just as a masked man stood over the blonde's shoulder. "Two down," the man whispered. Another masked man appeared. They whipped their hands out to throw a chain with a blade tip. Sasuke ran towards the Uzumaki twins. He pulled out a kunai and shuriken and threw the weapons with skilled hands and trained accuracy. Sasuke's weapons bolted the chains in the bark of a tree. Akemi narrowed his eyes and jumped and landed on his hands in front of the ready Uchiha and frozen blond. The redhead pushed off the ground to land a hard kick on both assailants faces. The force of the kick pushed them apart.

Akemi sniffed the air. Blood? He thought and turned to his brother. The blond was still frozen but there was blood dripping down his left hand. "Na-Naruto!" Akemi gasped and stumbled over to his brother. The boy completely disregarded the assailants.

Hi everyone

Sorry about the late update. Here you go.

Kind regards,
MANA (Iris_Lilly)

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