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Uchiha Sasuke saw the frightened look on Sakura's face and rushed to her aid. His kunai drawn in front of him as one of the assailants lunged for them. I have to protect her, the Uchiha thought with a narrowed gaze.

"Akemi, watch out!"

The Uchiha heard the blond scream out. He turned slightly and saw the surprised fear in the redhead's eyes. A choked grunt broke him from his staring.


Hatake Kakashi stood with a hooked elbow around one of the assailant's neck. The other was already unconscious by the Uzumaki twins feet.

The Mist Chūnin tied up. The Hatake confronted the old bridgebuilder about the true details of the mission. "So they were after you, Tazuna-san?" Kakashi asked. The old man nodded and let out a long suffering sigh. "If I had said I was being targeted, they would have given the mission a B-rank, a mission I could not have afforded." Kakashi hummed, "Now the only question is what the rest of you think." The greyhead turned to the Genin. Sakura stuttered out a reply. "We should abort the mission. Naruto's been hurt, we need to get him to a doctor, a-a hospital." Akemi nodded and held Naruto's good hand while the other gripped the front of his clothes. "I-I agree with Sa-Sakura," the redhead stammered.

Sasuke moved between Sakura and Akemi. He discreetly shuffled closer to Akemi.

Naruto blinked and looked at Akemi, then at his injured hand. He seemed to be stuck in a daze as he kept staring at the bleeding wound. The redhead squeezed his brother's hand in comfort.  "No!" said Naruto and pulled his hand from his brother's grip. Akemi let his arms fall limp to his sides. The redhead sucked in a shaky breath. Sasuke peered over the redhead. He sincerely hoped that his presence - or at least human contact - would comfort the redhead at the loss of his brother's hand. "No, we will continue the mission," said Naruto with determination written on his face. Kakashi chuckled, "Well then, you should make sure to drain the poison from your wound." Naruto nodded and quickly pulled out a kunai and stabbed the blade into his wound. Akemi gasped, "Na-Naruto!" Sakura walked over with her hands in her hips and proceeded to scold the blond for his irresponsible actions.

Sasuke watched how the redhead would fret over Naruto. He stared at his clothed back, memories from before appeared in his mind's eye. He felt his eyes go misty and shook off the unease. N-No time for that, the boy thought.

Kakashi hummed and crouched in front of Naruto with a bandage.

Akemi stood silently by his brother's side as he watched Kakashi put on the bandage. The boy felt a lingering stare on back. He looked over his shoulder and only noticed Tazuna and Sasuke. Sasuke? The redhead wondered then turned back. The world spun slightly. Akemi shook his head. Kakashi narrowed his eyes and stood up. "Otouto? You okay?" it was Naruto who spoke first. Akemi nodded quickly. "I'm okay, Naru-nii," Akemi smiled. Naruto gave a reluctant nod, he decided not to question his brother.


They all sat inside an old boat. Naruto in the front, Sasuke and Sakura on each side just behind the blond, Kakashi and Akemi on either side of Tazuna. The boatman steered from behind. A thick fog coated the Wave country. Akemi leaned over and stared into the dark waters below. "Hm, why don't you allow me out anymore?" Akemi blinked repeatedly and gulped. The boy shifted closer to the alcohol smelling man but kept staring out over the fog - the smell was less now. "It won't help if you ignore me," the deep voice mocked. Akemi fet his heartbeat quicken and gripped the front of his clothes in hopes it would quell his pounding heart. "One day, you'll break and have no choice but to give me the reins."

Kakashi and Team 7 excluding Akemi were held in a deep conversation of whom was sending assassins after Tazuna. "Gatou?" Kakashi questioned with a raised brow. "The Gatou of Gatou Shipping?" Tazuna hummed in agreement. He went on to explain the nefarious dealings that Gatou partook in: listing from extortion, money laundering, murder, human trafficking and the drug trade and many more. "That man has been sucking our land dry, a C-rank is all I could afford, our Daimyo cannot even help us," Tazuna let out a deflated sigh. The old man was down in the dumps and so were the rest of Nami no Kuni.

"N-No," a small whisper stuttered. The group fell silent and stared curiously at the redhead. "What do you mean, Akemi-kun?" Kakashi asked. The said Uzumaki stiffened and shivered. "N-Nothing sensei," the boy managed to slip on a weak smile. Kakashi nodded and turned forward. Though the Jonin brushed off the matter, it did not mean he would forget about the issue. Man this gaki is freaking me out, always so quiet, thought Tazuna. Naruto kept his gaze on his brother's form and pursed his lips. I hope you tell what's wrong Otouto, thought the blond. Sasuke leaned back and closed his eyes. He subtly looked at the small form of the redhead under his lashes. P-Pathetic! A-Anoying! The Uchiha reminded himself and clenched his jaw.

They passed under a tunnel. Darkness enveloped their vision. They only saw the small flickering yellow lights.

They were on foot again. The air rolled into  comfortable silence. Naruto however was frustrated. He was mad about the fact that Sasuke got the drop on him when those Hidden Mist Chinin attacked them and all he did was stand frozen still in fear hoping for anyone to save him. He clenched his fists. His little brother had to save him. He was the older brother, his job was to protect Akemi not the other way around. Not again, the blonde thought bitterly. He promised himself and Akemi that he would protect him from any and all who tried to harm them. The blond Uzumaki took it upon himself to prove he was a good ninja and older brother, when he heard a rustle in the bushes and without warning threw a kunai to the greenery. Sakura was first to go off at the blond. Kakashi gently chided the boy. Sasuke did not look bothered. Akemi was in his own little world, kicking up rocks as he walked by Tazuna's side. Speaking of the old man, he took a jab at the blond and called him an idiot, "Throwing things around like it's nothing!" he yelled.

The group calmed down only for a second until Naruto threw another kunai in the shrubbery. Sakura hit him on the head for good measure this time. Kakashi walked over and pushed aside the leaves. On the ground was a pure white bunny scared out of its mind with a kunai impaled in the bark of a tree, the blade missed his cute bunny head by a millimetre. "Aw! It's a bunny!" Naruto cooed and hired over to apologize and let the traumitised bunny. "Akemi! Look, a cute bunny!" Naruto giggled. Akemi snapped out of his thoughts and kneeled beside his brother. The redhead gently booped the rabbit's nose and smiled as its snout scrunched up and twitch. Akemi took in a small breath. His own nose scrunched up in distaste. An unknown smell hit his senses. The group was distracted by Naruto and Akemi cuddling with the white rabbit. The redhead's ear twitched.

"Everyone! Move!" Kakashi ordered. The made quickwork to follow Kakashi's order.

In a tree was a large sword that gleamed in the sunlight. Balanced on the sword was a man with broad shoulders and a Hidden Mist forehead protector. His mouth was covered in bandages and wore striped pants with camouflage patterned armbands and legwarmers.

"Mamochi Zabuza, Demon of the Hidden Mist."


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