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Hey everyone ^~^
I'm here with the next chappie! So, I hope you all enjoy
If you do, leaving a comment or a vote would be much appreciated :D

Crystal's POV
"Come on Crystal! Why are you so slow today?" Rachel asked, teasingly.

"I'm tired and not in the mood to learn stuff that I'm going to forget by next week." I replied. Sleep had not come easy for me last night. I couldn't stop thinking about Adam, and how he might turn out to be just like Luke.

"Just hurry up, remember last time you were late to Mr. Garnets class?" Rachel said with a shudder.

I frowned, Mr. Garnet never tolerated tartiness. Last time I was late he gave me detention... for a week. Rachel and I went our separate ways and I began to sprint to class. I had vowed never to be late to his class ever again.

I pulled the door open and leaped inside right before the bell rang. I breathed a sigh of relief and sat down in my usual seat. Brandon and Herobrine were already there, and Herobrine's smiled when he saw me.

"Hey guys." I said with a yawn.

"Hello." Brandon said, adjusting his mask.

"Are you ok? You sound tired." Herobrine asked, his voice laced with worry.

"I just had some trouble sleeping." I answered quietly. Mr. Garnet began teaching the lesson and I sighed, laying my head down on the desk.

*•*•*•*Crystal's Dream*•*•*•*
I was in a large field, I could see the moon and stars but there was something... different about them. They were all square. I scanned the field again, noticing that everything was made out of blocks. My legs began to move without my permission, and I could soon see a small hut in the direction my feet were taking me. The hut was made of a dark brown wood that seemed to shine in the moonlight. I gained control of my legs once again and I decided to look around. When I found the door, it suddenly swung open, revealing a small room with just a bed and a trapdoor in the corner. I stared at the trapdoor, there was definitely something down there. I stalked over to it, I don't know why I was being so cautious, but I had a feeling that was telling me to be careful. I pulled the trapdoor open, revealing a ladder that dipped down into the darkness below. I looked around for a source of light and grabbed a torch off the wall, using my other hand to begin my decent. I reached the bottom of the ladder and turned to face the large hallway in front of me, I sighed and began journey through it.

I had been walking for what felt like hours. There was only one path, so I knew I couldn't get lost, but the hall seemed to go on forever. I finally saw some light at the end of the tunnel and I ran towards it, my strides boosted by the happiness of finding the end of the path. I skidded to a stop when I saw what was in the room. It was a large pool of lava, with a portal resting on a platform just above it. In each of the blocks that made up the frame of the portal, a green eye sat. I heard something echo in my head saying "eye of ender..." I repeated the name out loud and the eyes turned, each of them staring directly at me.

What is going on? I thought, holding back a yelp of surprise

"through the portal..." The voice in my head echoed, ominously. What? There was no way I was going through that portal, especially with a lake of lava right under it.

"Do not be afraid, it will not hurt you..."

I sighed, looking over at the portal again. I closed my eyes and jumped through it. A strange tingling washed over me as I blacked out.

Disoriented, I force my eyes open and sit up, scanning my surroundings. Everything is still made out of blocks, but the blocks are unlike anything I've ever seen. They look like a sort of limestone with a pale color and darker spots littered across it. There were also large pillars made up of a black rock. The land was desolate and cold, not a trace of life in sight. Suddenly I heard a deafening roar sound from behind me. I spun around and was met face to face with a huge, blocky, dragon. The dragons bottom lip curled up in a smirk and it stared at me.

"Uh... hello, big d-dragon. C-can you be a nice dragon and let m-me go?" I asked, even though I knew it couldn't understand me.

"I'm sorry little girl, but I just can't do that~" replied the dragon. I gasped, did that dragon just...talk?

"Yes, in fact, I did." It said in response to my thoughts.

"Wait, can you hear my thoughts?" I asked, alarmed.

"Of course I can sweetie! I'm an ender dragon after all." It said proudly.

So it really can talk... I thought, forgetting that it could read my mind.

"You can stop calling me an it, I'm a she." she snapped.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry ma'am." I said in a frightened tone.

"I bet you're wondering where you are." She said slowly circling around me.


"Right now you are in the End, and I, the ender dragon, am the ruler of this place. This realm is located between the Nether and the Aether. The Aether is sort if like your worlds heaven, full of happiness and harmony. But the Nether is the polar opposite of the Aether, like your worlds hell, it is full of sadness and despair. Our realms are like a circle, beginning with the over world, which is the realm you were in before you jumped through that portal. Under the over world is the Nether, and above the over world is the Aether. The End is located in the space below the Nether, yet it is also above the Aether."

"That sounds... confusing." I said.

"I know it is, but it is just the way Minecraftia works." She replied with a sigh.

"What's Minecraftia?" I asked.

"It is all of the realms, you are in the world of Minecraftia."

My eyes widened, I was in another universe? The ender dragon turned to look at me before continuing.

"I just have one thing to tell you, Crystal." She said, her face growing serious, "Not everything is always as it seems..."

After she said that my legs stared to give out from under me and I fell to the ground, unconscious.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and I bolted awake. I looked around to find the person who woke me. I saw Herobrine with a smirk on his face and I automatically knew he had done it.

So it was just a dream... odd my mind could come up with something so complicated I thought, slumping down in my chair.

"You should go to sleep early tonight, you slept through almost the entire class." Herobrine said, gesturing to the clock. I stole a glance at it, there were only five minutes left in class. I smiled, that nap had given me a bit of energy and I got to skip Mr. Garnets class.

"Thanks for waking me up before the bell rang." I said to Herobrine.

He smiled back at me, "that's what friends are for."

I wish we were more than friends... wait what? D-do I like him? I shook my head, clearing my thoughts.

What if I do like him?

Ok, I know you guys were expecting some action or something. I do have some action planned for next chappie! So don't worry.

Vote! Comment! And maybe even follow :D?

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