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Edit (4/3/15)
If you are new to this book, please bare with me for this first chapter. I'm not very proud of it and will edit it after this book is finished.(which is hopefully not for many chapters ^~^) If you do not enjoy this first part, I do ask you to give this book a chance. I have improved as a writer and the later chapters are much better! Thank you for clicking on this book! Enjoy!

My life can pretty much be described by one word, normal. I have friends, good grades, and a decent relationship with my parents. The only tragedy I have ever known was when my Grandfather died... when I was three. Heck I have never even gone to a party, I'm pretty boring aren't I? Little did I know but my life was about to change forever, all because of one person. His name is Herobrine.

Crystal's POV
"Crystal!" My mom yelled from downstairs, "Get up, you have to leave in twenty minutes!"

I groaned and rolled over in bed, my dirty-blonde hair looked like a rats nest and my eyes were still half closed. I stumbled out my bedroom door and got ready in the bathroom. I hopped down the stairs two at a time and leaped into the kitchen. My mom had already made me breakfast, it consisted of pancakes and fruit. I proceeded to gobble it down in under five minutes.

I ran back up the stairs and changed out of my pajamas. I wore a t-shirt with the yin yang symbol on it, blue jeans, and black converse. I slipped on my good luck necklace (in picture), swung on my backpack, and bolted down the stairs and out the door.

I arrived at the bus stop right as it got there, I breathed a sigh of relief and got on the bus. I sat down next to my two best friends, Kelly and Rachel.

Kelly is a pretty girl with silky brown hair, deep brown eyes and a lot of freckles. Rachel on the other hand has black hair, sparkling green eyes, and is really tall.

We all started to chit-chat about pretty much every thing possible. To say the least I'm not into all the things that girls are usually into. I hate makeup, I don't style my hair at all, and shopping is my worst nightmare. Instead I will read stories about dragons, watch guys scream like little girls while playing horror games, and go into online chat rooms with my friends.

We soon got to the topic of guys, I might not act like a girl most of the time, but when it comes to guys, what girl doesn't dream? I like this guy named Adam, he's sweet and treats me the way I should be treated. We hang out a lot and I'm pretty sure he likes me, but you never know.

We arrived at school and filed off the bus. Adam was waiting for me by the bus ramp so I quickly said goodbye to Kelly and Rachel then ran over to him.

"Hey Crystal!" He said smiling at me. He had short brown curly hair and blue-green eyes that made me melt.

"Hey Adam" I greeted back.

"Did you do the math homework? I don't get it."

"Yeah, I'll help you with it" I said grinning. The bell rang and the whole student body flooded into Pearl Lake High.

My first class was band, I played trombone and so did Adam. He was first chair and I was second, I had tried many times to beat him but scales just aren't my thing. My schedule is pretty good, I have band first, science second, video gaming third (yes video gaming), history fourth, jazz band fifth, math sixth, and language arts seventh. I had first, fourth, and fifth with Adam, I'm really glad I had fourth with him because that's when lunch is. I truly don't know why I haven't made a move yet, I know it's stupid but I feel like the guy should ask the girl.

Science was boring, but in video gaming, something interesting always happens. I walked into the class and sat down at my computer which is right behind our teacher, Mrs. King's, desk. I wasn't a "problem student", it just happened to be that way.

For video gaming we go on this site called "Gamestar Mechanic." On the site you can build your own games and publish them, play other people's games, or work on the quests (I kid you not, this is a real website and a real class). Today one of my games got featured and had over one thousand plays!

History was the same, but that's not the part of fourth period I'm interested in. During lunch today I sat next to Adam and we talked about my latest attempt at gaining first chair.

"I'm sorry but your A flat scale was way off pitch, you should practice with a tuner" Adam said. I lightly punched him on the shoulder,

"I know, I hate that scale..." I murmured.

He grinned, but then his expression changed to worry. "Darn, I forgot to ask you about the homework." He said, grumbling.

I laughed, "Don't worry I can help you with it during jazz band if you want."

"Really? Thanks!" He said and suddenly hugged me. I blushed furiously and I heard some girls from across the table say, "Crystal and Adam sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

He pulled away, "sorry."

"Its fine" I shrugged.

After that hectic lunch I helped him out in jazz band. He kept messing up his multiplication but he eventually got the hang of it.

The rest of the day went by in a blur, but thats mostly because Adam isn't in those classes.
After school I left my language arts class to find Adam waiting for me.

"Hey Crystal!" He said with a goofy grin on his face. I waved and walked over to him. "Did you hear there is going to be a new student a the school tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yeah, I heard some rumors flying around, but I didn't really believe them." I replied.

"We'll it's true all right. I think he's from a different country or something, I want to meet him!" Adam said enthusiastically.

"How do you know it's a guy? It could be a girl."

"Maybe... but I hope it's a guy!"

I sighed Adam could be hopeless sometimes. I got on my bus after we exchanged goodbyes and sat in my usual seat. Rachel and Kelly got on the bus minutes later and glared at me.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"You practically ignored us today" Rachel said pouting, but I could hear a hint of playfulness in her voice.

"Sorry about that" I said sheepishly.

"Let me guess, you were to busy talking to your 'boyfriend' all day" Kelly said with a smirk.

I sighed, "I wish..."

They were silent the rest if the time as we rode home. I got off at my stop and began to walk home. Today was actually one of the most exciting days I've had in awhile.

I reached my house, then proceeded to plop down on the couch right when I got inside. I grabbed the remote and turned on Lab Rats.

I'm home alone when I get back from school so I don't have to worry about anyone distracting me from my precious television. After a few episodes I did my homework and watched Pewdipie for a little bit. The rest of the evening was normal, as is the rest of my life. Bit, as I was watching Pewds, the thought of a new--possibly interesting-- foreign kid wouldn't leave my mind.

Ok if you read this then I love you, here's a cookie *gives reader cookie*
In this world minecraft isn't a computer game nor a part of earth. It is completely unknown to everyone in this book except Herobrine and whatever else finds out about Minecraft or is from Minecraft. The next part will be up soon!

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