The Mask

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HEY THERE AMAZING PPLZ THAT ARE FANS! I'm here with another part of my book! There's a lot of interesting things going on today muahahaha *cough* I mean, uh... Just read it.

^~^ I hope you enjoy!

Crystal's POV

A blinding light is all I can see. My eyes want to open, but no matter how hard I try, they refuse. I groan and move my arm, accidentally slapping myself in the face. I bolt awake from the force of the slap and blink rapidly until my eyes adjust to the light. My eyes widened as I soaked in my surroundings, I was in a hospital room!

What the heck am I doing in a hospital? I thought, panic starting to cloud my judgement as I scrambled out of the bed. Suddenly, the door swung open and a nurse walked in. She saw me in my sort of crazed state and slowly inched towards me.

"Why am I in the hospital?" I ask in a strangely calm voice.

"Don't worry sweetie, you're perfectly fine. You just passed out while on a date and-"

I gasped as the memories came rushing back. Dinner, park, hill, and... Herobrine. I stumbled backwards a bit and I feel like I'm going to faint again. The nurse rushes over to steady me and lays me back down on the bed.

"You need to rest, darling." She cooed.

"H-How did I get here? Who brought me?" I stuttered.

"A nice young man brought you in, he was wearing sunglasses, which was very strange." She replied.

Herobrine... I thought, narrowing my eyes. I thought back to his eyes, creating a picture in my mind. They were of course, white, and were even glowing a bit. How is that even possible? Eyes don't just glow!

"Do you need anything? Food? A drink?" The nurse questioned.

"Um... some water would be nice. What's your name, miss?" I replied.

"I'll get it right away, and my name's Mary, your nurse."

I smiled and nodded, Thank you, Mary."

Mary rushed out the door, leaving me with my troubling thoughts. What was I going to do when I saw Herobrine at school? Faint again? I sighed, I was starting to grow tired.

Eventually Mary came back with a glass of water, and it only took me about fifteen seconds to down it. I thanked her and she walked back out of the room with a smile.

After another hour, my mom came to pick me up from the hospital and was flipping out the entire car ride home.

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted that boy! He probably drugged you or something, oh sweetheart are you ok?"

"Mom, he didn't drug me, it wasn't even his fault." I replied, half lying.

"Then why did you faint?!" She practically screeched.

I shrugged "I was tired?"

My mom sighed and continued driving in silence.

When we arrived at home, my mom told me she was going to work, I then ran strait to my room and plopped down on my bed. I picked up my phone off the bedside table and checked the date, Saturday, 10:00. Wait... Herobrine was taking my friends and I somewhere at 12:00! What was I going to do? I couldn't face Herobrine, not yet at least.

I screamed into my pillow, cause I'm mature like that, and flopped down on my back. I closed my eyes and explored my thoughts, digging in every corner for an idea.

Suddenly, I heard my phone vibrate, signaling a text message. I snatched the device from the bedside table and checked my messages.

*Group Message with Kelly, Rachel, Crystal*

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