New Arrival

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The picture is the new person, so don't be confused, it was drawn by @pitchender (go check him out he's my FREIND!!), just wait and see peeps.

Crystals POV
I hopped off the bus and took in a deep breath of air, I still hadn't decided whether yesterday was good or bad. I couldn't find Adam so I decided to search for Herobrine. I finally found him leaning against a wall... surrounded by girls. He looked very uncomfortable and kept trying to escape the mob surrounding him. I smirked, I felt a little bad for him, but the jokester inside me made me just stand their laughing so hard I had a coughing fit.

"Help meee!" Herobrine yelled. I ran over to the group of girls and stood behind them.

"STEP AWAY FROM THE NEW GUY!" I shouted at the girls, they turned around, saw me, then ran away.

"Works every time." I said confidently. I looked down at Herobrine who was balled up on the fettle and covering his eyes.

"Ca-Can you grab my sunglasses for me?" He asked timidly. I glanced to the right if him and saw his sunglasses. I picked them up and handed them to him. He slipped them on and stood up, brushing the dirt off his teal shirt.

"Thanks, I would have been a goner without you." He said, looking over at me.

"I always help the needy." I teased, "now lets get inside, the bell is about to ring."

I walked into first period, happy as a teenager could be. I took my trombone out of its case and got my music ready. I looked around for Adam, where was he? I glanced over at the door right as two people came in. I recognized them immediately as Adam and Grace, but what really shocked me was that they were HOLDING HANDS!!!!

No no no no no... This can't be happening I thought, all my past zest swirled down the drain as I realized that my crush had been stolen by the alphas. Adam gave Grace a quick peck on the cheek before heading over towards the locker room to get his trombone.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I whipped my head around, Kelly was standing right behind me.

"I saw who just came through the door..." She said with a sad look on her face.

"So did I." I muttered.

"Hey guys! How's it going?" I heard a familiar voice say from to my left. My eyes rested on Adam and I growled.

He took a step back, "what's with the hostility Crystal?"

"Oh it's nothing! Just ignore her, she'll be finee." Kelly said, trying to cover for me.

I shot her a grateful glance before reverting my gaze back to Adam, "what do you want Adam?"

"Nothing, I was just saying hi..." He said before walking away to talk to Grace and her alpha squad.

Today is already not going my way

*Time skip to Second period*

I walked into Science and sat in my usual seat in the back corner of the room. Herobrine came in a few seconds later and sat next to me, I saw a few of the girls from this morning give me angry looks, but I ignored them.

"How was first period?" Herobrine asked me cheerfully.

"I don't want to talk about it..." I replied grouchily.

"Oh, well what dreadfully boring thing do you think Mr.Garnet will be droning on about today?" He asked, he always knew the perfect thing to say.

"Bet you it's gonna be something about rocks." I said with a smirk.

"No, definitely the electromagnetic spectrum."

"Stop trying to sound smarter than me."

"I'm not trying, it just happens." Herobrine said with a grin. The bell rang and I sighed, Herobrine was probably right, Mr.Garnet would be teaching us about some irrelevant thing with a long name. The teacher walked into the classroom and everyone was instantly quiet, Mr.Garnet was known for handing out detention after detention.

His Name is HerobrineWhere stories live. Discover now