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Crystal's POV
I stared at him, "uhh hi?"

He smiled, "hey I saw you were home so I decided to come over... wait do people not do that in America?"

"Well, we usually give the other person some notice like a text or a call." I explained, where was this kid from?

"I don't have a phone..." He replied sheepishly.

At least he knows what a phone is I thought, "that's ok, not everyone has one."

We stood there for a few awkward moments before I invited him in. I walked over to the couch and sat down, he sat down next to me and I picked up the remote.

"What do you like to watch?"

"I don't have a TV either." He said nonchalantly.

I shrugged and put the remote down, "what did you do for fun before you came here?"

"The kids just played outside all day." He replied.

"Did it ever get boring?"

"Nah, there was always someone to hang out with."

"Ok, do you want to go to a movie or something?" I asked, not sure what to do.

"Sure." He said happily.

*time skip to movie*

I screamed as a creepy looking guy popped up on the screen. I grabbed Herobrine's arm and I could feel him tense then relax after he realized it was me. I stole a glance at him, his face was red as a tomato.

What is wrong with you girl? I thought, letting go of him. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, practically begging to embarrass me. I let another small yelp escape as the movie jump scared me for about the fifth time in a row. How did Herobrine convince me to see this again?

The movie finally ended after another hour of almost making me pee myself. I walked out of the theater wide eyed, Herobrine laughed. My eyes shot daggers at him and he stopped, not even he wanted to be on my bad side.

We walked out of the theater laughing at a joke Herobrine had just made about the movie. I looked over at him, he wasn't so bad when you got to know him. Now I know why everyone likes him so much. We drove home with the radio up and me singing my heart out to Your Lips Are Movin by Meghan Trainor.

"Finally were back!" I yelled.

"It was only a five minute drive." Herobrine said teasingly. I whacked him and ran hoped out of the car to escape his sure to come fit.

"Come back here you!" He said following my lead of jumping out of the car.

"You gotta catch me first!" I replied slyly. He chased me around the yard until I stopped and just sat down on the soft grass. Herobrine laid down next to me and stared at the sky.

"The sky here is so beautiful." He whispered so quietly I had to strain my ears to catch it.

"What do you mean? The sky's always like this."

Um, ne-never mind." He said nervously. I stared at him suspiciously for a few more seconds before turning my head to the sky. The setting sun had turned the sky many different shades of red and purple, it was stunning.

We laid there for what felt live hours admiring the sunset and chatting a bit. I heard a honk and turned my head towards the driveway. My moms car had pulled up at she was giving me a weird look from behind the window.

I nudged Herobrine, who had fallen asleep, and whispered "my moms home, you should probably go."

He nodded, got up, and walked down the sidewalk, waving goodbye. I sat up and watched him disappear down the road until my mom honked at me again and dragged my mind back into reality.

I got up and walked over to my mom, "hey mom..." I said, my voice shaking.

"Don't "hey mom" me, who was that?" She asked angrily.

"He's the new kid at school, we went and saw a movie."

"Well next time just tell me, ok?"

"Ok I will."

We went inside and I slumped down on the couch yet again, I've been doing that a lot lately...
My mom stared preparing dinner and I got started on my homework. My dad got home about an hour later and set the table for dinner, we were having spaghetti. I sniffed the air and smiled, spaghetti was my favorite. My parents and I sat down, served ourselves, and started eating. We talked about random things between mouthfuls until my mom got to the subject of "that kid in the yard with Crystal".

"I pulled up to the house and just saw the two of them laying in our yard, I was quite confused." My mom said.

"Mom, it's not a big deal, we went and saw a movie then came home and laid in the yard." I shot back annoyed.

"Just be careful Crystal, we don't want anything to happen to you." My dad said calmly.

"I'm not five anymore! I'm sixteen years old dad!" I shouted, angry at the tone my dad was speaking to me with.

"Sweetie we're just trying to hel-" mom began before being cut off by me.

"I'm not hungry anymore." I snapped coldly as I got up and ran upstairs. I wasn't in the mood for my parents worrying. I quickly got dressed into my pajamas and hoped in bed. My parents were smart enough to leave me alone, so I fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of movies and Herobrine.

OMG! Guys you won't believe this but............................

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Just ignore that and continue, nothing to see here....

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