Chapter 9

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Ariana POV

After I heard Tatum yelling on the phone, the phone disconnected. My eyes were watering and I grabbed August.

Ariana: August we gotta go home...Tatum and DJ are in trouble...

August: Shit! Come on!! AMELIA , SHAWN LET'S GO!!

We all took off running to the car. August started speeding off. I was in the car shaking and crying praying they were ok.

Amelia: mom what's wrong?

Ariana: Tatum and DJ called me and they were in trouble...

Amelia: are they ok?

Ariana: I don't know baby...

I looked back and Shawn was holding Amelia hand and rubbing her back. When we pulled up to the house I got out and almost busted through the door but August pulled me back and covered my mouth.

August: Stop...u don't know who's in dis house so therefah... let meh check it out... Stay here ma...if u move imma kick ya ass

I stayed outside while August went inside. It was taking him to long to come out so I turned to Amelia.

Ariana: u and Shawn stay out here. Got it?

Amelia: ok...

I walked in the house. I grabbed a knife and I walked around the house. I got to the bedroom and I opened the door and these four guys with ski mask on were holding Tatum, DJ, and August at gun point.

Guy #1:*pushing the gun against August head* U SAID U WERE HERE BY YOURSELF!!!

August: I-I damnit Ariana...

Ariana: oh my bad...

Guy #2: DROP the knife!!!

Ariana: August Who is he yelling at because he can't be yelling at me...

August: Ariana are u unaware that these nigxas have Guns?!??

August POV

We were held by gunpoint and Ariana was talking back. Now yall know meh baby a little slow but she ain't dat slow. I knew exactly what she was doin. She was distractin da matherfuckas dat were in my damn house. Dey didn't tie us up... dem sum rookies. While Ariana was talkin back I slid my hand under da bed and grabbed da two guns and shot the four nigxas. Two fell to the ground and da other ones ran. Ariana called 911. They cane and arrested the two nigxas I shot. Amelia and Shawn came in. Amelia hugged DJ and Punched Tatum.

Amelia: why in da fu--- excuse me...da mess did u not lock the doors and set da alarm?!?

Tatum: cuz imma G!!

Amelia: obviously not!

Shawn picked up DJ.

Shawn: Aye u aight little man?

Dj: man put me down...I ain't a punk!

Shawn put DJ down. After the whole situation settled down we feed Shawn I took him home. When I got back to the house. Amelia was in the shower, DJ was watching TV, Tatum was in his room, and Ariana was in the shower. I went upstairs and I took off my clothes and I laid in the bed watching basketball. Ariana came out the bathroom with her hair wet and curly. Ahead had on some spanks (her favorite ) and a sports bra. She grabbed the speaker and walked downstairs. I was wondering what she was doing. A couple mintues later I heard music. I walked downstairs and Ariana , Amelia, and DJ were dancing. I went up to Ariana while she was twerking and I pushed up against her.

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