Chapter 28

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Ariana POV

KT had a gun pushed against my head.


Ariana:  what the fuck? No... I don't even have my phone

Kt shot right past my neck.

Kt:  Ariana Fucking Jackson I ain't playing with u!

Ariana:  My last name isn't Jackson

Kt:  it is till I sign the papers....

Ariana:  no it's not!

KT:  then what is it?!?

Ariana:  *smirking* Alsina

Kt punched me. Then he started pulling down his pants.

Kt:  Alsina this dick in yo mouth

Ariana:  stop...

Kt:  why.... don't u do this fah a living?

Ariana: Im not a hoe Kt...

Kt:  haha I see u have jokes... Now put into work

He made me get to work. He was rubbbing his fingers through my hair.

Kt:  Good girl... u get to sleep with me tonight

I wanted to bite down on him so bad but I realized that if he let's me sleep with him it's more of a chance I can escape. I finishrd him off and he carried me to the bedroom. 

Ariana:  can I have my clothes?

Kt:  trust me u won't need them...

Kt pulled the covers over us.

Ariana:  KT STOP!

Kt:  don't make me get the damn handcuffs, cuz by looking at ur wrist those hurt... have u been trying to escape?

Ariana:  why wouldn't I escape from this hell hole?


R got the stuff and held me down while Kt handcuffed me and put the tape over my mouth. Then he blind folded me. He and R took turns raping me all night.

August POV

I finished my concert and went straight to sleep. I rolled over thinking Ariana was next me. I realized she wasn't and I got mad and started hitting the walls. T came in and checked on me and I just went to sleep. The next morning I got up and I got dressed and I got on the airplane to head back home. When I got on the plane I looked at the time and it was 9:23 am. Then someone tapped me and I looked up and it was DJ and Daz'la.
Daz'la:  I know she's OK....

August:  how did u know she was missing?

Daz'la:  everyone knows....have u been on twitter?

August: no...

Dj:  well it's everywhere.... do u know Who took her?

August:  I think I might have an idea

Dj:  well Who?

August:  it would be Rodney,  D, or Kt... those are all the guys that are still alive and that I know of that wants Ariana so bad...

DJ: oh I remember D,  he protected Ariana like she was a precious jewel or something.

August:..... yea.... I hope u guys know that ur baby is gonna have to Wait a while

Daz'la: of course.... we aren't rushing u

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