He gets too drunk - Part 4

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     You were told you had to stay in the hospital for 3 more days, 2 days had passed and tomorrow morning you would be able to leave.Aaron came to see you every other day and your best friends Serina and Elisabeth came to see you.But no one from your family came or even called.So when the nurse came to check on you, you asked if you could call your family, she said yes.So here you are at the phone dialing your aunts (your aunt and uncle raised you) phone number.The phone rung for a while then your aunt picked up.

A=Aunt Cleo   Y=You


Y:Hi, Aunt Cleo

A:Y/n...why are you calling from the hospital...are you okay

Y:Kinda...Harry he uh...he beat me...but I'm okay

A:Oh my god...why did he beat you

Y:He was drunk and he wanted more alcohol and I said no and he beat me and stuff...and he said he was just using me and didn't really care about me

A:Oh...I'm sorry...so are you in the hospital now...cause we didn't get a call or anything

Y:Yeah its my third day here...I'm leaving tomorrow morning

A:Okay...we will come and visit you later today okay...I have to go but we will be there okay

Y:Okay bye

A:Bye...love you

Y:Love you

     And you hung up the phone and dialed another number...your best friend Serina's number.

S = Serina Y = You


Y:Hey Serina

S:Hey girl...why are you calling from the hospital phone

Y:I don't have my phone I think it's still at Harry's house

S:Oh okay...when you get out tomorrow we will go and get your stuff cause Harry's still in jail for 3 more days

Y:Okay...I just wanna get out of this hospital....I'm glad i can leave tomorrow

S:Yeah me too...Me and Elisabeth will be there tomorrow morning to pick you up...so were are you gonna stay

Y:I don't know

S:Okay then your moving back in with me and Elisabeth

Y:Okay...thank you

S:Your welcome...okay I have to go to work...but I will see you tomorrow at 8:30 okay

Y:Okay thanks...love u bye

S:Love you too bye

     Then you hung up the phone and layed back down in your bed.You had a place to live, you will be getting your things and Harry was probably gonna get what he deserved, things are gonna be okay now...you life will get batter, you thought as you closed your eyes.Before you knew if you fell asleep.

I think this is gonna be it for "He gets too drunk"....hope y'all liked it let me know if you want more things like this...

- Natalie

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