Imagine 13: Movie Night

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Phone call between you and Harry:



Harry:Do you wanna do a movie night tonight

You:Yeah, my house or yours

Harry:Yours, the boys are at mine tonight

You:Okay see you soon

Harry:Okay love you

You:Love you too bye


You walked over to the kitchen and began cleaning up, you didn't want Harry to come over and have your house (apartment) be messy.You cleaned up all of your book that were on you coffee table and put them into the bookshelf.Then you sat on the couch waiting for Harry.10 minutes later you heard a knock on the door and you ran over to it and opened it.And standing there was your smiling boyfriend Harry.

"Hey," you said and gave Harry a hug.

"Hey you look nice today," Harry said kissing you.

"Thanks," you said smiling, even though you were only in sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"Come on in and sit down, do whatever you want," you said and Harry came in and took off his shoes, and shut the door behind him.

"So what do you want to watch," Harry asked, you shrugged your shoulders and Harry smiled.

"What," you said as you put the popcorn in the microwave.

"Can we watch Titanic," Harry asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Yes," you said.Harry got out the disc and put it in the DVD player.Once the popcorn was done you joined Harry on the couch and he started the movie.Harry loves movies like this.Threw the movie you and Harry cuddled, and every now as then he would plant a kiss on your forehead.You love movie nights with Harry they were better than any date night that money could buy.

"God I love that movie," Harry said, crying a little because of the movie.

"Yeah I do too," you said and Harry smiled.He loved to know that you like the movies and things he liked.

"Did you have fun?'' Harry asked and you nodded.

"I always do," you said sweet and he smiled and kissed you on the forehead...

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