The Full Story

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I'm not going to mention the boy's name for privacy purposes, so I'll just do this [h/n] for him

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I'm not going to mention the boy's name for privacy purposes, so I'll just do this [h/n] for him.

Here's my dog, he's okay now...


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He was very shocked and surprised when [h/n] hit him. He got his snoot hit and [h/n] grabbed my other dog's tail and started hitting her with it.

 He got his snoot hit and [h/n] grabbed my other dog's tail and started hitting her with it

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(Read my announcement if you don't want to read this or if you want to know more background on [h/n])
(I put the announcement at the top of the page)

I guess I should start at the beginning...

His mom had come over to have a lesson (my mom teaches music lessons) and brought the kids.

I was working on some homework when my dad came and got me telling me, "You need to go take care of your dogs."

(I am the one who feeds and walks them and whatever else they need😊)

My dad went and started dinner and I was getting the dogs' dinner ready.

(Ryobi, the black one, has no teeth, so I have to water down her food.)

I was calling them (they always come, especially with dinner), but they weren't coming...

When I went looking for them, I found one on the couch (Ryobi), but didn't see the other one.
(Nothing was wrong with her, she's just stubborn😂)

I heard growling, but it sounded like Cassian was playing. I found him in another room with [h/n] and [h/n's sister].

[H/n] saw me and smiled. At the time, I didn't realize anything was up.
I told Cass to come and eat dinner. (I was already walking out of the door when I said that)

I heard him start to follow after me, but then stopped.

Turning around to see what stopped him, I saw [h/n] wrap an arm around his neck. (These dogs are greyhounds, so they're not small. And they love hugs (wrapping your arm loosely around their neck))

At first, I thought he was giving him a hug (I should have known with his personality, though), but he literally thought I wasn't looking or had left, and started hitting him on the nose and head. Like, seriously, it was loud.

Cassian started growling, but knew better than to bite people, so he didn't do anything more than growl.

(Please note that this all happened in a matter of seconds.)

[H/n's sister] has left the room to do I don't know what, but I wasn't worried about her, she's really nice (and around 2 1/2 - 3ish).

I told [h/n] to stop, that he was hurting Cass.

But he didn't stop, so I had to grab him on the arm (not forcefully) and pull him off.

I'm telling you, this kid is psychotic.

The second [h/n] was no longer grabbing Cass, Cass ran off (probably to get dinner).

I just nicely told him that he couldn't do that, it hurts them, etc., etc.

About 20 mins later...

[H/n] was on the couch with our other dog, Ryobi, and grabbed her tail and started hitting her with it.

Their tails are boney, so they hurt... I can't imagine getting hit one your face with your own tail.

I had to go up and stop him, yet again telling him he can't do that.

Just that alone is bad, but [h/n] did something else that night.

[h/n] and [h/n's sister] (which she's 2-3ish) were sitting on the ground, about 2 feet apart. He had a tennis ball... and he threw it at her face.

I was about to say something, but my dad saw it also and stepped in.

[h/n]'s mom walked in and my dad told her what he'd done and you wanna know what she said?

She said, "really?" Almost disbelieving.

He stuttered out an answer, saying how he was trying to throw above her, etc., etc.

He finally realized what he was saying wasn't getting anywhere, so he said, "Stop. Stop. Stop." To his mom.

This shows you just a little bit on how he acts... something like this happens every week when they come over.

You can't exactly tell the parents that their kid is psychotic and lying, well, I mean, you can, but it's best if you don't.

I seriously hope they get him the treatment he needs...

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