Chapter 10 : More Dwarfs Yay (note The Sarcasm)

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Two chapters in one night!

Start of recap...

Suddenly, Gandalf appears, striding through the armies.

His voice is magically amplified to incredibly loud, deep, and powerful tones.

"you know what I having second thoughts of saving him" mutters the Elfling cracking her knuckles getting ready to teleported up there.


His voice returns to a normal volume and tone. Calen smiles when she stops Gandalf in the crowd of elfs, she then runs towards him squeezing in between elf.

She stood to his left and waved at the elven King and Bard as she saw them look her way.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

The Elfling then crossed her arms over her chest and glared heartedly at Thorin as if daring him to do anything to her hobbit.

She knew she didn't look intimidating but it was worth the try.

[Gandalf:] “Then please don’t damage him. Return him to me! You’re not making a very splendid figure as king under the mountain, are you? Thorin son of Thrain!”

Thorin slowly lets Bilbo up, and some of the other dwarves rush to help Bilbo up.

[Thorin:] “Never again will I have dealings with wizards...”

Bofur gently pushes Bilbo toward the rope he’d hung the night before to climb down the walls.

[Bofur:] “Go.”

[Thorin:] “Or Shire-rats!”

"How Rude" glares Calen at Thorins words.

[Thorin:] "Or Pathetic tree-shaggers"

"okay now he's just being mean" Calen glared even harder, if they could her eyes probably would pop out with her glaring at The Dwarfs.

Bilbo throws his coiled rope over the wall and clambers down. Calen sighs I'm relief as Bofur helps the hobbit escape Thorins clutches.

[Bard:] “Are we resolved? The return of the Arkenstone for what was promised.”

Thorin, breathing heavily, looks to a ridge in the distance, as if looking for someone or something.

"ooooo he pissed" the Elfling said to Mithrandir next to her Gandalf tries to cover a snort at the Elflings words.

[Bard:] “Give us your answer! Will you have peace or war?”

As Thorin bows his head, a large raven flies up to the ramparts and perches beside him. Thorin and the raven stare at each other.

[Thorin:] “I will have war!”

A rumbling is heard in the distance, and the armies look up to see the ridge being covered by troops of heavily armored dwarves, lead by a huge dwarf riding a battle-pig.

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