Another chapter !!!!!!

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Ellie was relieved when lottie surfaced and had wadded out to help her back to shore but right as she was in reaching distance Lottie just moved slightly back, and kept moving back until Ellie was treading water. At this point Ellie didn't know she was treading water and was just focused on getting Lottie back.

Lottie noticed that Ellie was treading water but she didn't want to tell her because you know when you first learn to ride a bike and you tell the person helping you not to let go and then you realise they let go after you cycled for the first time and fall off? Yeah well Lottie really wasn't looking to drown Ellie today so she just moved in until Ellie grabbed her and they could feel the sand underneath their feet.

When they got back to shore, Ellie was about to tell Lottie how scared she was and how happy she was she wasn't drowning. When Lottie started to scream that she swam and then she realised that she had and Ellie was excited to say the least and wanted to try again but Jamie said that a storm was coming to the tourist trap and that it wouldn't be safe.


Another chapter!! I'm writing these at night so it rlly weird but her you go !

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