Part 10?

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(Anyone have any good book that I could read on here ?)

Lottie woke up to the bright orange sun shining through the window, that made her feel like she was in a painting. She looked at the clock and realised it was sunrise, 4:31am so she decided to watch the pink and orange slowly turn into blue and white. She heard Ellie shifting around but knew she wouldn't be awake for at least another hour. She was awake because she had a dream about HIM, that he knew that she knew of CL, that he didn't help her because she knew of CL, but she thought she knew that he couldn't be here, because he wasn't allowed here. Beady had told her that, the only time she had ever reassured and helped her, the only time that she thought that they might have shared the same trauma, oh how wrong she was. She wasn't to know that beady had been with HIM all along, that it was all a plan to keep her, "safe." (Note the sarcasm) She hadn't realised that her dreaming had made almost two hours go by and that now Ellie was slowly waking up, groaning about the sun and how it was shining in her eyes. Lottie wished that all she had to worry about was sun , and not the fact that past things could come to haunt her, but she said nothing because that wasn't how her mother had taught her to act, she had taught her to mask anger and frustration with happiness and selflessness, of course that how her mother appeared to everyone but her, because when she was on her deathbed, her mother had told her to go to rosewood hall to secure the, "bag," no one was to know about the bag and Lottie was making sure that no one will ever know....

(So she knows CL.... wonder what happens next...?)

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