Chapter whatever idk know the number

42 3 2

Ellie had swam. ELLIE HAD SWAM! That was a big achievement since most people in maradova couldn't swim, because although it was an island (I'm assuming it is bc I forget if it is or not) most people lived in the center and not at the coast or edge of maradova. Jamie was impressed, although he had been taught the basics of swimming so he could help Ellie, they didn't help him after almost 15 years of not using them.
Ollie wasn't sure why everyone was excited, she had only swam, he and Lottie had learned to swim at 3, but he soon realised after Lottie told him about maradova and how almost nobody new how to swim, and then he became excited to and started celebrating.

*time skip*

They were back home after drying off, the day had been fun but now they were tired. They were lucky that Beady had gone to bed before they came home. 

💕 not that long of a chapter but still figuring out what I wanna do with this story 💕
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