Part 13:

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I haven't updated in so long, I kinda forgot where I was doing with this story but here's a chapter since it's summer!

"Jamie," Lottie asked, "what's your real name,"
Jamie was confused as he thought it was pretty obvious, "James," he replied. Lottie began thinking about how that's like James Buchanan Barnes from the Mcu, and that she could start calling him Bucky if he ever went on a villian rampage due to Russian scientists.

Ellie was just thinking about the fact that she had to go back to maradova instead of having fun in Cornwall.

Ellie's parents were worried, not that they hadn't been worried since the day the Ellie was born and that they'd have to protect a heir, who might be there only one (which she later turned out to be their only one but still), they were worried for her safety and Lotties as well.

They were worried for Lottie because a close friend they'd known for over 15 years had come to the palace, saying that his daughter (the one he sent away when his mother died) was being used by them to protect their own. I suppose they should've known Lottie was royal as she looked very much like the Swedish royal family with those bright blue eyes and curly blonde locks. It was a surprised that Ivan thought that she was his daughter, although they looked very alike.

They were worried for Ellie's safety because if she was Ivan's daughter then the world would know that she was just a cover up, a Portman and they would be forced to show their daughter to the world when she wasn't ready yet.

So although the royal trio had no idea what was happening in maradova, they would know soon enough.

Well that's an update so... happy summer guys !

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