Welcome to Highway 1009!
Update: Complete. There's a 2nd Book out now!
ENDED: MAR 24 2022
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- "Y/n, let's break up" he said - "what?" You start to tear up - "I don't want you anymore." He sighed - "what did I do to not make you lovr me anymore?" You sniff between each word - "It's just..you got.." - "I.. got..what?" - "You got PRANKED!!!!" He laughs devilishly - "whyyy?" You burst out crying - and he realised that he hurt you too much. - "wait! I didn't mean to make you cry! I'm sorry babe, it's all fake. I'm never gonna break up with you." He smiles at you and kisses your forehead
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- He went to the living and he saw you being super lazy on the couch. - He gets a glass of water and takes a sip and sat beside you. - "Y/n," he said - "yeah?" You look at him - "I think we should break up" he said and took a sip of his water - "Okay, but you're still the father of my baby" you said and he choked - "What!?!? Baby???! Father!?!?" He yelled - "This is why you shouldn't prank your girlfriend. You got pranked boo!" You left him speechless and went to the kitchen as you laughed.
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- "I'm inlove with someone else." He said - "what??" You asked - "Yeah. I'm sorry, Y/n" he said - "With whoo???" You asked starting to tear up - "I'm inlove with a girl.." He said - "WHO IS SHE??" More tears were dripping down to your chin. - "She's.........Layla." he said - You realized what he said and threw him a pillow. - "oww!" He laughed and hugged you while you lightly punched his chest - "I'm sorry, Y/n. You'll find a better guy other than me." He laughs - "If you continue doing this, I will really breakup with you."
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