Lightning shocks and empty promises

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Rio sat, brushing her messy hair. She felt a hand run down her spine like lightning and looked as the memories raced back to her.
Haggar said "This will make you obedient you rat," She electrocuted her.
All that was heard on the ship was screams and cries and pleads.
     -Flashback end-
She looked at the person. They said "Are you okay, Rio?" Her vision cleared and she saw shiro. She said "Oh I'm fine, shiro, I promise," He nodded, and walked out.
   Empty Promises and lies. She wasn't fine. Memories chased her as she cried. Blood shot eyes and sleepless nights. Telling the lies were easier then telling the truth. The truth stung and hurt like a knife.
   Her father, Sendak wanted her to be obedient. She was rebellious and hated the galran empire. She hated him. He took her to a visit with the druids, and they do love to experiment don't they? She clenched her metal hand. She removed her shirt and turned around. The scar ran down her neck, twisting and turning. She slowly touched it. She felt like she was being shocked again and held back screams. She slid her shirt back over her head. Lies and cries.  Pain and pleads.
She hated her father. He had held his own daughter prisoner. The paladins had found her while they liberated galra forces after they had evaded it. She hated her father, and herself. Her half human dna made her eyes flash yellow when she was mad. Her hair turned purple sometimes at the roots. She had started dying her hair to hide it but it always came through. Why did she have to be half galra? Her father was a good guy. Was. He was sweet and kind and loved his wife until Zarkon injected him with that quintessence. It blinded him. Her sweet father was gone forever. He would never come back. Neither would her mother.
She stood in front of Zarkon's throne. He said "Your father has prepared something for you." Haggar walked out from the shadows. She felt Rio's face and said "Perfect for experiments," Druids came and grabbed Rio. She yelled out "Papa!!!" That's what she had called her dad before he changed. He walked up and whispered in her ears "Have fun, darling," His old nickname for her. Tears fell down her eyes as she was dragged away.
     -End flashback-
She realized she was crying. She wiped the tears and looked in the mirror as more fell. Her hair had turned purple and her yellow eyes flashed. It happened when she was emotional. She sat in her bed and pulled her blanket over her head. She curled up, and cried.

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