Dancing and Picnics

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A girl, pointed purple fox like ears, brown silky hair, and yellow slitted eyes, grabbed Pidge's hands, "What are you-Who are you-" The girl, named Frida, shushed Pidge, "Shh...Follow my lead if you want to get out of here alive." Frida grabbed Pidge's hands, twirling her, "You know the tango?" "Yes." "Good. Now dance!"

Frida pulled Pidge out the door in their dance until they danced into the forest. Frida sat down, sighing. Pidge smiled, "Thank you." Frida smiled softly, "See you again, Princess?" Pidge nodded, "My name is Pidge, See you tommorow!" Frida pulled down a rope from the tree, "Frida." And she slid up the tree. Then as Pidge walked off, she slid down, in front of Pidge. She kissed her on the forehead, her hair upstairs and frayed at the ends, "Night!" She went back into the tree as Pidge touched her forehead gently.

Pidge walked into the forest, "Frida?" She looked around, "Frida!!!" Pidge saw something fall down from the tree, and punched it, panicked. Frida fell down from above, "Well hello to you to Princess." Pidge snorted, "Oh my god! I'm sorry Frida." Frida jumped up, wiping the blood from her nose, "It's fine, Princess. Now c'mon!" Frida grabbed Pidge's hand and pulled her off.

Frida pointed to a waterfall, a small picnic blanket in front, laid neatly with a small basket on top. Frida pulled Pidge over, sitting down and patting the blanket, "Sit. Hope you enjoy, Princess." Pidge smiled, sitting down. Frida opened the basket, pulling out a cherry pie. Pidge smiled excitedly, "It's my favorite! How'd you know?" Frida laughed, thinking about last nights events, "Oh, well I might have broke into your castle and I may or may not have kidnapped your friend to ask your favorite pie flavor." Pidge snorted. Frida's face looked serious. Pidge stopped, "Did you- did you actually break in?" Frida nodded nervously. Pidge started laughing and fell backwards. Frida blushed, her dark skin turning a Rosie red.

Pidge turned to her, setting her pie down, "Did we actually have to dance to survive that party or were you just lying?" Frida looked up, swallowing her pie, "Mmm... that's good. Oh and yes I was lying. You were so beautiful in that tux, okay?" Pidge giggled, "You are a idiot, Frida Humai." Frida asked, "And you are not, Katie Holt?" Pidge looked at her seriously, "How'd you know my real name?" Frida explained, "Oh, I did some research. And I might've flew across the galaxy last week to find someone for you." Pidge tilted her head, "What? Who?" Frida yelled, "Rebel boy!" A boy, dirty blonde hair and brown eyes walked out, "My name is Matt!" Frida shushed him, "Shut up! I don't care about your name!" Pidge felt her eyes well with tears, "M-Matt?" Matt turned, "Katie? Katie!" He run over, engulfing her in a hug. Pidge squeezed him tight, "I missed you so much!" Frida smiled softly, at the siblings she never had. She remembered her sister. Lira. She'd died fighting, but had always hated Frida anyways. Frida And Lira's mother died giving birth to Frida, and their father left soon out of grief. Lira had left to fight in the war, and died. Frida was devastated. Pidge's voice pulled her out of her thoughts, "Thank you, Frida." Frida smiled, "No problem, Pidge."

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