Heart of Voltron

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When Shiro woke up because of nightmares, Unia was there . When Lance was missing home, Unia was there.When Hunk stayed up too late baking, she was there to tell him to go to bed. When Pidge fell asleep on her computer, Unia would throw a blanket over her. When Keith overtrained , she'd bring him to his room to sleep. When Allura was stressed, Unia would let her vent about her problems. When Coran told his stories, she listened the entire time.
She was the glue holding them together, the heart of voltron.
Then she was captured.
The team fell apart slowly.Without her, no one told them to go to bed, no one to talk to, no advice, no one to tell stories, no help with nightmares or tech. She wasn't there to help.

One day as they searched, Pidge found footage, "Guys Come on! I've found something!" The others ran in, and ran over. Pidge started the footage.

Unia stood in the middle of a arena. More specifically the gladiator arena. She stood, a short sword in her hand. Her opponent came out. He was tall, eight spikes on his back, a large axe in his hand, "Poor little human!"  Unia smirked. She ran at him, knocking him over as he was distracted. He said, standing up, "You'll regret that, human!!" He swung his axe. She dodged. He swung, she dodged. Back and forth until it grazed Unia's arm, cutting it open. It started gushing blood. She looked at it. She ripped apart of the bottom of her pants off, wrapping it around her arm as she dodged the attacks. She tied it tightly. She rose her sword, and stabbed him. She let out a small sob as he fell. She had just killed him. She was a monster. The crowd cheered happily. She looked sick to her stomach. She let out tears, sobbing. She had just killed someone.

Shiro stood, shocked at the footage. He remembered his first kill. He regretted it. It hurt so bad, tormenting him forever. Keith was panicked. She was in the gladiator arena. Pidge was worried. Another (not biological) sibling gone. Lance cursed in Spanish. Hunk started to cry, about to be sick. Allura was worried about her, so worried. They all hoped she'd be home soon.

When she came home, she was so upset. She thought she was a monster for killing someone. But her friends were right there, helping her.
Shiro would be there when the nightmares ended.
Hunk would be there to tell her to take a break.
Lance would be there when she had a panic attack, helping her.
Pidge would be there when she wouldn't eat.
Keith would be there when she cried.
Allura would be there when she had flashbacks.
Coran would listen to her, and comfort her.
She was always there for them, so now it was their turn to repay her.

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