9--little birds

106 4 38

complete and utter chaos

ghost king: you know you're bad at singing when you go lower than percy's grades

bad boy supreme: starting off the day with a fresh roast man

seaweed brain: i-what-

seaweed brain: hazel control your brother

hazelnut: uhm i cant

hazelnut: im with frank rn

bear changed their name to frankly

frankly: it wasn't even that good of a roast anyways

ghost king: you wound me so

seaweed brain: but i couldn't defend my honour?!

ghost king: H O N O U R

idk why: nico would make a perfect zuko tbh

goate: you said that as im watching avatar i-

seaweed brain: mmm good show

seaweed brain: which ep?

goate: ba sing sei

gl0w: YES

bad boy supreme: which bender would we be

bad boy supreme: i'd be fire since i'm so hot

ghost king: fire defo

ghost king: bc of my HONOUR

idk why: air??? maybe??? dont ask me

seaweed brain: water duh

bad boy supreme: lemme add calipso

bad boy supreme: clypso

bad boy supreme: calippo

bad boy supreme: ...w/e

bad boy supreme added calalylypso to the chat

calyalylypso: hiya calypso here

bad boy supreme: this is my neighbour! yes, the one i threw a hammer at but we're cool now

calyalypso: no we're not. you're an idiot

bad boy supreme: see? she finally will acknowledge me ?

calyalypso: who?

mcqueen: i ship it

gl0w: piper you ship everything

mcqueen: speaking of shipping...

gl0w: i'll be there in ten


piper waved at will, crossing the road, to come to the milkshake shop just opposite her street. it was a kind-of routine they did since they were kids, hanging out at delphi's. they always ordered the same things each time.

"strawberry milkshake with the ice cream and the toppings-things and whatever," she said to the waitress eloquently, waving her arms to gesticulate. this one must be new; the others pretty much recognized her, even without her makeup.

it was sad; all her fans saw her as a picture of beauty, hidden by so many layers of fuck-knows-what-this-is. it gave her a screen to hide behind, a smokescreen hiding all the dark thoughts, all the things that made her human. 

she felt like a coward.

seeing people like lacey or mina, some of the regular waitresses, recognize her felt like a warm hand was closing over her heart. it felt...homecoming even, just like spending time with annabeth, will, and...

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