10--snow and sleeplessness

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a/n: im soft for ppl watching their s.o. sleep hjkctfgyuio

will was up at 4 editing videos.

this particular one was a q&a featuring nico, hazel and frank. he didn't want to pass on an opportunity to film with them, especially since frank was a famous gamer. he tried to find a good lighting filter that would suit the video, and when he was wrapping things up a bleary eyed nico stumbled in.

"whayyou doin'?" he said sleepily.

will raised an eyebrow. "did nico di angelo actually sleep?"

nico waved his hands about uselessly. "eh, y'know, the doc reccommended sleeping pills or-"

will sat up straight. "you got sLEEPING PILLS?! why didn't you tell me?"

"you'd worry."

"are they helping you?"

"i guess." he sat on will's bed. "i kinda forgot what sleep feels like. i'm so-" yawn. "so ti-tired."

will closed his laptop and sat by him on the bed. "you know i care about you?"

"me too." nico gestured to will's laptop and the clock, which showed 4:30 am. "you make other people sleep but you don't sleep, hypocrite. get some sleep or else."

"only you could make caring advice sound like a threat."

"i'm not caring. i am the incarnation of darkness." nico yawned again and leaned into him, pulling the cover over his head almost subconsciously. 

will heard nico's voice again from somewhere in the blanket-cave. "no but seriously will, i don't want you to be insomniac-y." 

he barely heard him. all will could think about was that nico was so close he could feel the other's heavy breath on his eyelashes. their faces were an inch apart...and then nico fell asleep. he landed on will's shoulder and began to snore quietly, his usually pale, skull-like face looking surprisingly soft round the edges in slumber. will closed his eyes, and sank into slumber.


who run the world?

hazelnut: guys guys gays

hazelnut: *guys

truth: ehhh it fits

tree: hello there

hazelnut: yusss anygay

hazelnut: will and nico slept together

lady gaga: WHAT

tree: WHAT

truth: WHAT

hazelnut: nooo they were just cuddling

calyalylypso: wait does this mean???

wise girl: Holy shit they confessed!

hazelnut: no :'(

mcqueen: NOOOO

mcqueen: MY SHIPPP

hazelnut: guys we have to do this

hazelnut: get them together i mean

hair die: i mean i have time in my schedule

lady gaga: yeah me too

tree: ...what else is in your schedule?

hair die: eh the usual

lady gaga: cartoons, work, world domination, murder

hair die: oh and ice cream


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