3--and the chaos begins

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three--and the chaos begins

at nico and will's house.

the sun streamed into the room, illuminating the ray of fucking sunshine himself, will solace.

he was setting up his camera, sending all previous footage to his laptop so he'd have more space to vlog. there were no classes today, thank gods, so will decided to film something, a day in the life or whatever.

but first, he needed to wake up his sleepy housemate, nico.

nico di angelo had known him since he'd moved in, so about a year ago then. the two had become very close since then, even best friends you could say.

maybe a little more than that.

will shook out the voice in his head which would say strange things at the strangest times. he supposed it had always been there, just lying dormant, but he couldn't afford to think about it now. especially in his last year of medical school.

his channel, sunnysolace, had risen to six and a half million subs since meeting nico, the subscribers liked the dynamic duo, and nico had his own gaming channel as well: king of the ghosts, which was currently on seven million. nico had started his channel years ago when his sister bianca died. to take his mind off things.

will charged into his room and yelled "WAKE UP DI ANGELO" and when that didn't work he did his whistle thingy, and a high pitch noise filled the room.

di angelo bolted awake. "i hate you solace," he groaned and rolled back into bed.

will smirked. "guess i'll just have the last cheesecake. i'm pretty sure it's strawberry too, your favourite."

quick as a flash, nico was up.


"hiiiii everyone! idk what this vlog is gonna be but i'm thinking another day in my life."

will zoomed in on nico, who was eating his fifth cheesecake.

"i'm not going to med school today, so i'm basically at home till its time to leave at night for work. i think imma go grocery shopping today, and to the mall or something and then-"

he caught sight of the empty cheesecake packets by nico. "i swear, he doesn't eat anything unless it's junk.

"as you know i share a house with this emo idiot." he continued.

"don't call me emo!"

"i like the fact he just ignored that i called him an idiot and went staight for the emo. death boy, you really know you should-"

as will started lecturing him about his eating habits, nico couldn't help but stare at the way will's blonde hair way ruffled slightly, how his freckled face reflected the sunlight so nicely.

he couldn't help but stare.


study with annabeth posted a new video: q&a w/my bff piper!

"aaaaaand now! action!"

piper waved excitedly at the camera. annabeth just rolled her eyes and said "welcome back people. i know this isnt the guide i promised but that's coming next week.

"so today i'm doing a q&a with my best friend in the whole wide world," she put on a baby voice for the last phrase, "piper mclean! she's a model so you might know her."

1-how long have you known each other

piper thought about it. "ooh, six years i think! we've been friends since high school, and she's supported me in my whole career!"

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