3. Party at Ravenclaw commons

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"Fred. Are you sexretly in love with someone who sits in this circle?"
I turned around to go somewhere else but soneone grabbed my arm from behind and pushed me to the Slytherin table.

"Blaise, what are you doing?" I asked, almost falling to the floor. "You can't run away from it. Show him what he's missing out on." he said, sitting down at the table and me next to him.

Pansy and Draco were making out all the time and emalmist everyone looked into their direction with only a few exceptions, including me and Blaise.

"I though he was with Y/n." I heard someone say. I looked around and saw the person that said it was Cedric Diggory.

I looked at him and he gave me a confused look and nodded towards Malfoy and Pansy. I shook my head to signal him that me and Draco never really were a thing.

Well, once we almost got together. In 3rd grade, he just had this glowup and it was the year I realized how caring he is.

Cedric smiled and turned back to talk to his friends. I smiled back and turned back to Blaise.

I think I have an idea how you can make Draco see what he's missing out on.

I shot Blaise a confused look. What does he mean?

Cedric. He obviously fancies you. Start to hang out more with him. Draco will get jealous, drop Pansy and literally beg for you to get together with him. You will let him wait and then give in.

I smiled. That sounds like a pretty good plan, but I kinda feel bad for Cedric. Blaise understood my facial expression and I read more of his thoughts.

Luna is throwing a party tonight at Ravenclaw common room. Invite Cedric to go with you as friends. Then tell hin to flirt with you when Draco is near.

I looked over to Cedric. He felt my eyes on him and looked back at me. We smiled at each other and then I stood up to ask hin to go to the party with me.

"Sooo..." I said when I arrived behind Cedric. "Soo?" he asked, looking at me. I put my hands on his shoulders and then sat down next to him.

"Luna is throwing a party at the Slytherin commons. I was wondering if you would want to come with me. As friends, of course." I laughed, putting my arm on his shoulder.

He smiled and looked around the table to see the smiling faces of his friends. "Sure. I'll pick you up at 7." he answered and I nodded. Then I stood up and gave him a hug from behind.

Fuck, yeah.

I laughed when I heard Cedric's thought and went back to Blaise.

"So?" he asked. "Guess we'll make someone jealous tonight." I laughed and looked over to Malfoy and Pansy. Seems like they didn't even notice I was gone.

Well, I guess I'll have to wait now until it's time for the party.
It was 6pm and I decided to get ready since Cedric would pick me up in an hour. I applied a bit of makeup, not too much and did my hair into a high ponytail.

Then I looked into my closet. I looked through my clothes and came to the conclusion to wear a white bra that could also pass as a top and some white highwaist jeans. I wore silver earrings and a cute silver necklace. Begore I went to the common room to wait for Cedric, I put on white vans.

So there I was, sitting in the Slytherin common room, when Draco and Pansy went down the stairs that led to the boys' dormitories.

"Draky, do I look good?" Pansy asked, putting her hand on Dracos shoulder. "Of course, ba-" I looked up to see what made Malfoy stop talking. He was staring directly at me, looking me up and down.

I raised my eyebrow and gave him a confused look when I heard a picking side from outside of the window. I opened it and my owl, Y/o/n, came flying into the common room.

Y/o/n had a letter fixed to his leg and I carefully took it off and read:

Hey Y/n,
mind opening the common room door for me?
Unless you don't want to go with me to the party, what I dare to doubt.

I smiled and went to the door to open it, facing a grinning Cedric. "Shall we?" he asked me, signaling me to hold onto his arm. "We shall." I answered. When I closed the common room door, I saw Pansy's and Draco's angry faces.

"How come you asked me to go with you to the party?" Cedric asked when we turned at the first corner. "Honestly, I don't know. I just wanted to spend more time with you." I said, still holding onto his arm.

"I was talking about asking you to go with me a few minutes before you asked me, actually." he laughed. I smiled at the fact that Cedric wanted to ask me too.

When we arrived in front of the Ravenclaw commons, I heard music coming from inside. I said the password and me and Cedric entered the party.

People we getting drunk, smoking weed, dancing, playing partygames and laughing. "I'll get some drinks, what do you want?" Cedric asked me, puttibg his arm around my shoulders. "A beer would be great." I said but then I saw Draco and Pansy in mid of a heated makeout session. "You know what? Get me vodka, pure." I said when Cedric wanted to go.

He nodded and I tried to spot familiar faces. "Vodka? Naughty little girl." I heard two voices from behind me. "Well, imagine your crush makes out in front of you with your enemy and they got together during the last summer." I said, explaining my situation and turning around to see Fred and George.

"Understandable." George said and then spotted some party game his and Fred's friends were playing. "Wanna join?" he asked, nodding towards the people. "Thanks, I'll pass." I answered. "Besides, Cedric is getting me my vodka shot."

"Well, here I am and your vodka shot is here too." Cedric arrived from behind me. I took the shog and swallowed it as if it was nothing, without any funny faces.

"So?" Fred began "Come and join the big boys." Fred and George said in unison. "I'm going if Y/n is going." Cedric said. Alright. What could go wrong, right? "Ugh, alright." I said and we went to the people who were playing some game.

"Sup, Lee. We'll join if that's okay with you." Fred said and pointed toward me, Cedric and George. Lee nodded and we sat down on the floor, just as everyone else did. Ron, Hermione, Harry, Angelina and Alicia.

"Alright, so this is basically truth or dare but with Veritaserum and Liquid Luck." Lee Jordan explained. We nodded and as we wanted to start the game, we were interrupted.

"Mind if we, uh, maybe join you?" Draco asked, holding Pansy's hand and Blaise behind them both. "Not at all, sit down guys." Lee said and nodded towards the floor. So they all sat down, me between Fred and Blaise.

"I'll start." George said. "Fred. Are you secretly in love with someone who sits in this circle?" Fred took the Veritaserum and drank it.
Then he looked at me.

word count: 1239

loser [ Draco Malfoy X Reader ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora