6. 8 days

5 1 0

"I can't do it..."


I heard Bellatrix laugh. That shrill laughing made me cry even more when I thought this was the last thing my parents heard.

I shut my eyes since i couldn't handle the pain. She performed the Cruciatus charm on me. I shouted for my life. I wanted the pain to stop. I couldn't handle it. tears were rolling down my cheeks, not sure where all the tears came from.

Then the pain began to stop. Slowly, but it got better when I suddenly was relieved by the pain and everything went black.


I slowly came back to my senses. I was laying on a not really comfortable bed. I opened my eyes and found myself laying in the hospital wing. "Hey, loser." I turned my head around to see who was talking to me. 

I looked down to see him holding my wrist. "I wanted to make sure you're alive. Don't want my aunt to kill you." he said ask he followed my gaze.

"Why are you here, Malfoy?" I asked, being kimda happy my used-to-be best friend is the first person I see. "Blaise went to freshen up and told me to look after you in case you come back to your senses." he said, looking away.

"Sure." I said, looking directly at him. His hair looked as if he didn't wash it for a few days, his face looked stressed out and tired and his clothes were the same he wore when I battled Bellatrix.

"How long was I gone?" I asked, when Draco finally looked at me, still holding my wrist. "8 days. You didn't miss much tho." he put on a weak smile. I knew it was fake. I recognize his genuine smile and this definetely wasn't it.

"What happened after I fainted? I asked, the memory of Bellatrix slowly coming back. "The teachers were out when you and Blaise rushed in to look for Bellatrix but they came back while she-." he suddenly stopped talking as if he couldn't bring himself to say something. 

I put my other hand on his hand which was holding my wrist. "They came back while she used the Cruiciatus Spell on you. They stopped her and when I rushed- I mean Blaise rushed towards you, he started to tear up when he saw you laying there, weak. He carried you to to the hospital wing and stayed there the whole time."

I took myhand away from Draco's and he looked down at me. "You should rest. It's been a rough battle for you." he said as he stood up.

"Oh, Draco Malfoy cares once about a person that is not himself?" I joked. "Shut up, loser." he smiled. I think- no. I know this was his real smile.

He went out without any other word when Blaise came in. "Y/n!" he ran towards me, hugging me as I sat up. I saw Draco take a last look at me before he left the hospital wing. "How are you?" he said as we exited the hug. "I'm fine now, thanks." I answered and smiled at him when he smiled back. "I'll ask Madam Pomfrey when you'll be able to get out of here." he went as I nodded in agreement. 

The memories came rushing into my mind. Me loosing my balance, Draco and Blaise holding me on my feet, Bellatrix wanting to have a battle against meand her saying Draco talked about me often during the summer.

Why did he talk about me? Did he say bad things about me? Or were they good things?

He ruined our friendship at the end of 3rd grade, when I loved him for almost a year. I will stop playing this game. Although I decided to play this game yesterday, I can't stay mad at him for long.

"You can leave now if you promise me to stay in your bed for the next week. The Cruciatus curse really made you weak." Madam Pomfrey said when she entered the room, followed by Blaise. 

I thanked Madam Pomfrey as I tried to stand up, failing miserably.  Luckily Blaise caught me and sat me down in a wheelchair that stood close to my bed.

"So, you know Draco was in here for the last 8 days with you, right?" Blaise asked, although I couldn't see him, I could hear the smirk.

"He told me you were with me the whole time and you told him to look after me while you go freshen up." I was cofused. Did Draco lie to me?

"Of course he did." Blaise was still smirking. "Damn, Zabini, can you stop smirking so loud?" I joked and we laughed. 

People looked at me in the wheelchair and to be honest, it made me insecure. I didn't want people seeing me like this. 

"Stop staring, get a life" Blaise said pissed, when a group of Ravenclaws including Cho Chang looked at me. They all looked quickly away after what Blaise said.

"Thanks." I said "That's nothing, I wouldn't enjoy it either if people were staring at me. Especially when I just woke up after fighting Bellatrix Lestrange." There it was again. The memory of the pain that went through my body when Bellatrix used the Cruciatus curse on me.

"Sorry." Blaise said after remembering how I felt when someone said her name.

"It's okay." I said. After a few minutes of silence, I decided to read Blaise's mind since he didn't say anything and I wanted to know what he was thinking about. 

But there was nothing. I couldn't read his mind. Did I loose my ability?

"Blaise..." I whispered. "Hm?" 

"I can't do it..." I said almost tearing up. "Can't do what?" he asked as he came to a halt and kneeled down in front of me.

"I can't read your mind." I whispered again. Blaise hugged me immediately. I got the ability the day my parents were killed and now- now I lost it.

word count: 989

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