7. breakfast

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"Wanna do something crazy?"

"Hey, shh, it's okay." Blaise comforted me as I started crying. "You'll be fine. You don't need to be able to read minds for people to like you." Blaise whispered.

Noone knew about my ability except for Blaise and Harry. Harry kinda found out himself a year ago but I think he told Ron and Hermione.

I hugged him again and he then started pushing my wheelchair towards the Slytherin common room.

"Is someone here?" Blaise asked when Pansy came around the corner. "Did you got railed too hard by Cedric Diggory?" she laughed.

I heard Blaise's footsteps from behind me come to the front of me. "Shit the hell up, Parkinson. Even if Cedric shagged her, you should be jealous because Draco never wanted to shag you."

Pansy suddenly went all quiet and turned around. Blaise then managed to put my wheelchair through the door and then looked at the stairs of the girls' dormitories.

"You don't have to get me up there, I'll sleep on the sofa here." I said nodding towards the sofa. "No. Hold on, I'll come back." Blaise said as he went up the boys' dormitories.

I drove around a bit in my wheelchair as Blaise came down, followed closely by Draco.

"I'll take the front, you the back." Draco said. This time, he looked me in my eyes when he took grip of my wheelchair and picked it up together with Blaise.

I looked Draco back in the eyes when he almost tripped over the first step. "Watch where you're going, butthead." Blaise laughed and Draco looked down.

I think I saw him blush a little. I guess I can't refuse my feelings for him. He's just too precious not to love him.

As Blaise and Draco put me down, I yawned. Altough I just woke up from an 8 day coma, I am tired as if I didn't sleep the last 8 days.

Blaise then rushed out while saying "Can you take care of her? I gotta do something. Thanks."

I yawaned again as I tried to push myself in the wheelchair towards the bed but I was too weak and tired. Then I felt a slight push from the back and turned around to see Draco pushing me towards my bed.

"Thanks." I said. Draco then went to the front of me while pickkng me up and laying me down on my bed before tucking me in the cover.

"No problem, loser." he answered. I smiled, still being tired. "Can I talk to you real quick or are you about to fall asleep?" he asked before turning back around to face me.

"I'm actually pretty tired. Can we talk after I wake up?" I asked him, yawning again. "Sure, goodnight." he said "Goodnight loser." I answered when I shut my eyes and quickly fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning and looked at the clock. 10:39...

10:39?! I'm almost too late for breakfast in the great hall!

 I tried to stand up but my legs gave in and I fell down on the floor. I used al my strength I've had in my arms and tried to get back onto my bed. When I finally succeeded, I remembered what Madam Pomfrey said yesterday.

I had to stay in bed for the next week. How am I supposed to get food or go to the toilet? I mean-  cant piss on my bed or eat my blanket.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when my dorm room opened. "Sup. Want some food? Sneaked some out for you." Draco said while holding a plastic box with loads of food in it. I smiled and said "Thank you, Malfoy." I said and saw his face go confused or mad but then back to normal.

"Yeah, here you go." he said and handed me the box, almost throwing it. "Do  ou maybe wanna eat some of that with me? I don't think I can eat everything by myself." I said and saw Dracos face light up a bit.

There it was again. His real smile that I loved so much. "Sure, but only because I don't have anything else to do since I have a free period now." he said when he sat down at the edge of my bed. "Stand up." I said and he stood up confused. I lifted the blanket and signaled him to sit down next to me. 

He tuned his face away a bit and sat down next to me. And there we sat together under a blanket and ate my food in a comfortable silence. 

"Do you remember when we snuck up the astronomy tower once in 3rd grade and McGonagall caught us?" he smiled, looking at my pictures I hung up next to my bed. "Yeah, we got detention and had to help Professor Sprout watering the plants and you pulled out a Mandrake to distract Sprout and sneak us out." I laughed.

Then we made eye contact until Draco said "What happened to us?" Draco mumbled and looked down. "To be honest, I don't know. You just started ignoring me and I thought you hate me." I said and stopped eating my chicken wing. He quickly looked up at me, his eyebrows narrowed. 

"I thoutght you hate me." he confessed. Why is he thinking I hate him? "Why?" I asked, at least as confused than him. "You once said you hate me after we fought because I went to Hogsmeade with Pansy instead of you. And you said you hate me at the party. You actually told me yu hate me quite often" his face relaxed at he still looked at me. 

"Oh... but I never meant it!" I protested, and Draco let out a little laugh. "How was I supposed to know? I can't read minds an neither can you." he smiled. 

I never told Draco I was able to read minds. And I never told him about how I lost that ability. I stayed silent, thinking back to the day my parents were killed. "Is everything fine? Did I ruin the moment?" Draco asked but then I looked up at him. "No, no. It's fine." I said and looked into the box for more food. "No way! You bought me my favorite cookies!" I said smiling and looking back and forth between Draco and the cookies.

"I remembered how much you liked them when we were sneaking into the kitchen and you always stole those." he said and I, again, saw his real smile. "Thank you, love." I said and hugged him. Then I saw the surprised look he had."I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... It's never going to happen again, I promise, I-"

"Hey, it's fine. I could get used to that." he smirked and looked again at the moving pictures next to my bed. Hold on. Was he flirting with me or am I just making things up? I felt my face heat up and I quickly hid it behind my hair.

"You still have pictures of us from first to third year." Although I didn't see his face since it was turned to the pictures, I could hear he was smiling. "Yeah. I mean, the years with you were fun until... until we thought we hate each other."  I whispered the last part and he turned around holding a picture in his hand. 

"Can I have it?" he asked. First I thought he was joking until I saw his face. He was serious. "Sure." I said. Draco looked at the picture that was now his. "Remember this?" he asked me, pointing at the picture.

It showed me and Draco, smiling while hiding from Filch in a closet. "How could I forget it?" I let out a laugh. "You wanted to catch Harry sneaking into Hagrid's hut after midnight and I had to go with you because you wouldn't leave me alone in my dorm." I smiled and he looked at me.

"Wanna do something crazy?" he whispered and I nodded. "I'll meet you here. Midnight. Put on comfy clothes." he said and I was curious about what he planned. "What are we doing tonight?" I asked and he scoffed. "I would've told you if it wasn't a surprise, wouldn't I, loser?"

I smiled and he stood up from my bed. "I better get going. I'm almost late for divination." he said and walked out of the door. A few second later the door opened again and Dracos face peeked into my room. 

"Midnight." he said holding up a finger and laughed. I "I know, now go, you'll be late." I said and immediately felt happiness overcoming my body. I'm happy I sorted things out with Draco.  After two years of thinking we hate each other we finally start to become friends again.

I ate the 4 cookies Draco brought me and then laid down again to close my eyes. I fell asleep and dreamed about mine nd Draco's friendship at the beginning of third year.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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