4. Rushing things

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"Also, it's pretty nice, dancing with a cute guy."


"Actually yes." Fred said. I quickly read his thoughts to be prepared.

I love Angelina.

So I sighed in relief and Fred's gaze shot from me to Angelina Johnson. "I fancy Angie. Since our 4th year. I am also dreaming of us-" George put his hand over Fred's mouth. "We don't really wanna know what you dream of, Fred." he laughed and Lee agreed. 

I saw how Angelina blushed hardly andlooked Fred up and down. After Fred realized what he just said because the truth potion stopped working, he started blushing too.

"I uhm... Angelina, wanna get some drinks?" Fred asked and scratching the back of his neck. Angelina nodded and stood up with Fred. I didn't have to read their minds to know they weren't going to get drinks.

"So, can it be my turn now since mr. ugly ginger left?" Draco asked impatiently. Everyone nodded and I hoped he wouldn't ask me. "Pansy. Truth or dare?" Malfoy asked. I was surprised he asked her. What did he want to know? What her favorite position in bed is? If she thinks his dick is big? 

"Truth, of course." Pansy laughed her fake laugh. Honestly, I think she can't laugh normally at all. The last time I heard her laugh her natural laugh was in second year when we were friends.

Yes, me and Pansy used to be friends. Until she turned out to be a bitch to get Draco to like her and pay attention to her. Me and Malfoy used to be on good terms too, until the first week of the last summer holidays.

He promised to send me an owl every day. I send him 2 owls every day, using mine and my uncles. He never wrote back.

"Do you really love me?" Draco's voice pulled me away from my thoughts. "Of course I love you, Draky-" "No. I want you to drink the truth potion." Draco cut her off. She widened her eyes. "Do you think I am lying?!"Pugface shouted, making everyone grin because they knew there was going to be drama.

"No. I just want to make sure."he narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. Pansy sighed and drank the Veritaserum. "So, do you really love me?" Draco asked her again. 

"Of course not. Can't you see I'm just pretending to love you to make Fox jealous?" Draco's eyes shot into my direction and I quickly looked away. Then Pansy continues talking. "I never loved you. I mean, yeah. You're hot and all but have you seen Blaise over there? He's a literal god!"

Everyone widened their eyes. "Yo, I appreciate it. But I'm not into you, Pugface." Blaise laughed making everyone around us laugh, even Draco. I dared to look if he was still looking at me and my cheeks heated up as I saw him smiling towards me, looking me directly into my eyes.

So I guess Draco and Pansy aren't a thing anymore, but that doesn't change the fact that he didn't owl me back. That he ignored me for so long. That he broke my heart.

I looked over at Cedric who was laughing his precious laugh. I wanted to play the same game with Draco that he played with me. Time to make that spoilt boy who was full of himself jealous.

After playing various rounds of Truth or dare, I only had to pretend to kiss someone, go into a closet with Blaise for 20 minutes (We only talked about the Draco and Pansy situation) and say whether I'm a virgin or not. I obviously said yes. Fuck Veritaserum.

"So, do you wanna go dance with me?" Cedric asked me, him shouting it with his face close to my ear so I could hear it since the music was really loud.

"Of couse, how could I say no?" I smiled and took his hand. Right when we arrived on the dancefloor, which was in the middle of the Ravenclaw commom room. Cedric took hold of my waist with one hand and with his other hand he took mine while I had my other hand on his shoulder.

"I like this song actually." Cedric said while we danced slowly. "Really? It's one of my favorites too." I smiled when he flashed a smile back.

"I know you secretly like Draco and I know you would be rather with him right now than with me." Cedric said, his face again close to my ear, but this time, so noone around us could hear him.

"Actually, I enjoy this moment with you and yes, I liked Malfoy, but he is acting like a git lately." I answered, putting both my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist. I could see Draco watching us from the corner of my eye. So let the game begin.

"Really?" Cedric asked, his eyes sparkling. "Really. Also, it's pretty nice, dancing with a cute guy." I smiled. Cedric grinned. "You know what's also really nice?" he asked. "Dancing with a gorgeous girl." he smirked when he saw me blush.

I never knew Cedric could flirt. Maybe I should keep my mind off of Draco and concentrate on Cedric a bit more. I was probably blind. Draco was the first person I ever talked to who's mind I couldn't read and I think that just fascinated me so much, I thought I famcied him.

I stared into Cedric's eyes. I almost got lost in them when I realized he was getting closer. I can't kiss him now. Fuck. What should I do?

I quickly hugged him while we danced. I couldn't find another solution. "I'm sorry, Ced. I'm just not ready for that yet." I said while dancing with him. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have rushed things and make you nervous. It wasn't right of me to put you in that situation." he apologized, hugging me tighter.

"It'sokay, Cedric. Let's go get drunk." I said while nodding towards to the table with the alcohol. "Damn, no need to tell me twice." he laughed, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the alcohol where Malfoy stood.

This night is gonna be interesting and I don't know if I'll be able to remember anything.

word count: 1050

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