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Cinderella was treated as a maid in her own house, at the end she got married to a prince.

Snow White had been banished from her own home. Lucky for her she made new tiny friends and was saved from death by love's true kiss from a man she'd met just once.

Mulan was meant and brought up to be a proper lady but guess what, she became a soldier and led an army. She became an equal.

Pocahontas wasn't scared of the intruders, she fought for what she believed in whilst falling in love with one of them. Racism can go shove itself somewhere else.

Tiana was hardworking but dumb enough to kiss a frog, thing was that frog did make her dreams come true. There was nothing like class here.

Sleeping Beauty was brought up by three chatterbox fairies, but spoke up only a few times. Royalty and wealth doesn't need to be noisy.

Ariel was just a little sea girl who dreamed to see the world. She gave her voice away for a pair of legs so she could walk the earth. At the end what's meant for you will find you.

Brave was just simply... Brave with a dashing hint of fiery essence.

Elsa chose not to be confined to the walls she knew.
She chose to let it go and listen to the call within her.

Anna loved her family. She adored her sister, but at the end she had to get up and fight for what was right.
Our loved ones never stay forever.

Rapunzel feared what she didn't know. Ignorance kills.

Moana was meant to be chief from the very beginning, but she had help.
Behind every successful man is a woman.
But here, behind a woman was a man.

Jasmine got married to a thief. Love comes in all shapes and sizes, and colors as well.
She made Aladdin a better man.

Belle transformed a beast into human. Physically, mentally and emotionally.
An act of love or kindness goes a long way.

From the beginning women have been given great roles and even today are still doing great things.
These are just fictional characters but there are also real life women like this.

Be your own Disney princess.


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