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Dear Muslim sister,
You're one of a kind.

Like the sun breaking out from behind dark clouds
Your smile lights up a dark room

Your skin is as fragile as a silky petal
So you were given the veil to shield yourself from wilting under the harsh sun

Dear Muslim sister,
I pray you will be shaded on the day when there will be no shade

Your laugh is as melodious as the flute
But the sound of your tears should be the sound of your happiness and gratitude towards His mercy to you

Dear Muslim sister,
You were given the right to laugh
The right to cry
To dream

You were given the right to own lands
To own businesses
Don't let no one shackle you to the term "a woman's place is in the kitchen"

For the first wife of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be onto him) was a business woman

Dear Muslim sister,
Wherever you are
Whatever you do
Whoever you are

Be as fashionable as you can be in the terms and conditions of Islam

Dear Muslim sister,
In all you heartache and fears
With all your insecurities and doubts

Know this, dear Muslim sister,
There are a lot more of your kind in the world

So know this, my Dear Muslim sister
You are not alone.


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