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I'm not the girl you knew before
The girl you knew before was weak
The girl you knew before could be easily swayed
The girl you knew before smiled at every foolish thing you said
The girl you knew before bowed her head at every injustice
The girl you knew before could only ponder over every false accusations

I'm not that girl anymore
I'm no longer that girl who admired you
I'm no longer that girl who didn't think twice before helping someone
I'm no longer that girl who tried to do good
I'm no longer the girl who cried for you

Now I'm a woman
A woman with power
A woman ready to spread her wings in order to crush every obstacle in her path
A woman who thinks thrice now
A woman who punches injustice in the face
A woman who cannot be swayed even by the most attractive of smiles

I'm not the girl you knew before
I'm the woman you never expected me to become.

~ZainaHijabi 😘

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