Dear Readers,

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Dear Readers,

Asalamualaikum warahmotulahi wabarakatohu to you my favorite readers! Hello! If you're reading this, you should know this is not the usual character building story book—but rather a book of quotes, short sayings, and probably poems.

This book is dedicated to all those who have been undermined, broken by love or life, and have had the concept of misconception attached to their way of life, religion or ethnicity; you are beautiful and you deserve more and I hope you find the words in this book somewhat educative, fun, calming and nice to read as I found it so in writing them.

I truly, hope and wish you connect with them in a positive way. May the words in A Letter In Person reach you in good ways -like it did me- and may you find comfort in it in whatever ways it would come and wherever you might be.

Hope you enjoy it!
Happy reading!!
Allah hafiz ❤❤



A Letter In Person.
Copyright ©2021 Zainab Isa.
All rights reserved.

*This book should in no way be transferred, transmitted, copied or reproduced in any form or means, including photocopying, scanning, screen grabbing, or utilized by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. This is ILLEGAL AND PUNISHABLE BY LAW.

*Posting of this book on any unknown or known sites or platform is not allowed.

*Translation of this book to any other language is not allowed.

*Please, if you see this story being published elsewhere it'd mean a lot if you let me know.

JazakAllahu Khairan/Thanks.

Cover credit goes to menamemoh

A Letter In Person #ProjectNigeria Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz