5 | Innocent?

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A/N - This chapter contains some harsh gore. Proceed with caution.

Koda entered electrical as Lemon followed close behind. She caught sight of Vincent and his own newbie. Lark she recalled his name. She made her way towards the back of the room, ignoring them as she approached the tasks. She glanced at Lemon as she went to her own task. She struggled with the timing of the task as she silently cursed at herself. Koda looked at her own task. Seeing as there were others here right now, she couldn't exactly just stand around. She glared at the different colored wires in front of her. She silently tried to match the wires by color.

She growled quietly as few were correct. She closed the cover of the task after more failed attempts and noticed Lark staring at her. She glared at him. Perhaps he could be her first target. He seemed much stupider than he looked.

"What? You lost something sweetie~?" Lark spoke with confidence as he leaned against the wall. It was clear by the sound of his voice that he was smiling.

"Oh fuck off. This isn't Tinder," Koda already hated him, and subconsciously noted that he's definitely going to be her first victim. Quickly confirming by Lemon that she was finished she quickly left the room and headed to the reactor. As her crewmate companion approached her task she took the opportunity and pulled out her tablet. With a quick press of a button and a code she had memorized, the lights switched off.

"Koda??" Lemon panicked as she called out to her mentor. "Remain where you are and stay calm as you finish your task," Koda's voice was monotone as she focused and headed to electrical. This would be easy in seeing as newbies weren't informed about possible sabotages. Once she arrived the spotted Lark right outside. Her eyes were used to the dark, despite her color blindness. As she watched him enter, she swiftly followed and locked the iron door behind her before his partner could enter.

"H-hello?? This isn't funny Vincent," Lark's voice was laced with fear as he backed up against a wall. Koda chuckled quietly, amused by his fear, "You scared, sweetie?" she recalled the memory as she brought up the nickname he used for her just a minute ago. She neared his shaking form, as she felt her body give in to the urges. She couldn't stop now anyway. Feeling the familiar tentacle-like body part extend out of her back she grabbed him by his throat. The inky-black tentacle rapping itself around the newbie's neck as she lifted him up against the wall.

The grip tightened as she focussed her mind on his innards, picturing them bursting out of his stomach. Lark struggled as he clawed at the tentacle and tried to scream for help. But he did not utter a word as his voice was replaced with a gurgle as blood dripped out from his mouth. Koda tilted her head, tightening her grip more until she heard the ear-piercing snap of his neck. Moments after his stomach tore open as his organs spilt out of his abdomen. She dropped his corpse and backed up, satisfied with her work she headed straight to the vent and quietly crawled in before making her way towards the security.

Koda hopped out simultaneously checking and cleaning any blood off her suit. Right as she reached the security cameras, the lights flickered back on. A short siren sounded and a notification pinged on her tablet.

'Dead body reported. Head to the cafeteria for a meeting'

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