6 | Loss

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Koda briefly glanced at the cameras when she saw Lemon heading to security. Once she turned to the door she was met by an embrace from the crewmate. She remained standing there awkwardly, not knowing how to react before she gently pushed Lemon away and started walking to the cafeteria as Lemon hesitantly followed.

"Did you finish your task?" Koda kept her gaze forward as she passed through the upper engine, memories threatening to return.

"Yeah.. what happened? Were you there the hole time?" Lemon now walked beside her. Koda simply nodded as they reached the cafeteria and made her way to the table and sat at the farthest chair.

Koda watched the other members as they anxiously waited for the others and the news about the report. Their captain walked in the opening, with Vincent and Kai at his sides. Don sat down his chair as his gaze swept across everyone.

"It's happened again," he started as he took off his helmet, "The ship is invested with an inhuman creature that's targeting us..." he sighed as he pressed his temples. There was a frightened silence that swept over the crew as they took in the information.

"Are you sure captain? What exactly happened?" Herbert, the ship's secondary healer and cook, spoke up. He sounded worried rather than scared.

Vincent hammered his fist against the table shooting a glare at him, "I saw the fucking corpse! There's no way that was an accident!" he exclaimed loudly, "he was barely recognizable.." he went quiet as he stared at the table.

"I'm afraid that what Vincent said is correct. Lark has been brutally murdered inside electrical... it's a shame that it happened so soon" Don looked at everyone again, a saddened expression on his features, "Has anyone seen something suspicious? And are the newcomers managing the tasks?" he continued.

Some nodded their heads as the newbies confirmed that they were doing alright, but no one reported anything else. Don sighed as he closed his eyes for a few seconds. He looked at everyone again, an unreadable expression on his face. "I'll be unlocking the sleeping quarters shortly. Vincent and Ghost, will you assist me on the.. cleanup? The rest of you can have something to eat," he finished as he put his helmet back on and fixed it properly. Don walked off as the purple and white colored crewmates followed him to exchange a conversation.

Everyone else remained seated for a while as they silently mourned the loss of Lark. Koda only stared at everyone else. She didn't exactly remember what she had done to him. She noticed someone looking at her and she quickly everted her attention to the source. Gia, the main healer, got up with her apprentice, Scout. Their helmets were removed and Scout's gaze was fixed on Koda, an admiring look in his eyes.

Koda simply ignored him and got up, Lemon quickly getting up too and looking up at her. 'How can she stay so calm during a crisis like this??' Lemon thought to herself as she wondered what her mentor was thinking about.

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