2 | Partners

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     "As you all should know by now, Head Quarters has sent our division some new crewmates," Don, the ships captain spoke wit authority and confidence as he gestured to the newbies. Koda frowned. She has come across new members on previous missions and she knows well how annoying and clingy they can get. She wasn't exactly looking forward to this.

     "Scout," Don gestured to one wearing a lime colored suit and goggles. Scout waved at them as his name was mentioned. "Lark," the one wearing the blue colored suit made an awkward finger guns gesture with his hands. "And Lemon" Koda's face flustered red as she looked at Lemon. The yellow suited crewmate just stood there, watching everyone curiously.

     'Shit man Koda. Get your head together. This ain't normal. This feeling is only your imagination. Nothing will happen,' Koda repeatedly convinced herself not to get attached to the newcomers. It will only end badly.

     "And of course," the captain continued "Kai too; who has been transferred from division D4" Another newbie stood beside Don. He wore an orange suit with a cherry on his head. He was very short compared to the others. Don cleared his throat, turning to the newcomers "Seeing as most of you are relatively new here,  I'll be assigning some mentors to help and teach you the various different tasks."

     'If he picks me as a stupid mentor, Imma kill a bitch,' Koda narrowed her eyes at her captain. He knows well that Koda prefers to be alone and strongly dislikes attention from others. And the unnecessary partnership could also ruin her mission. 

     Don looked at everyone, figuring out the ideal mentors for each of the new crewmates. Koda silently growled when she noticed his gaze paused on her for a bit longer than the others. He cleared his throat, looking down at his tablet, "Kai. You'll be sticking with me" He glanced down at the orange crewmate who in return nodded, "okay"

     "Gia, you watch over Scout," he continued, "and Vincent. You can mentor Lark" Don looked up from his tablet.  "Yes sir!" the newly assigned mentors nearly spoke in unison, happy to be bestowed on such a great honor. "And Koda. You take care of Lemon," the Captain feebly nodded as to signal them to group with their assigned partners.

     Koda groaned, 'Oh for fuck's sake..' she could've sworn she even saw him smirk from behind his visor. She hadn't noticed that the yellow crewmate she was supposed to watch had already snuck up on her from behind until she happily greeted Koda with a cheerful, "HI!"
     "Ah jeez-" Koda, not expecting Lemon's sudden appearance nearly jumped with fright.

A/N; Hello again! :D Here's part two! I've decided to post these novelized versions of my comic before hand seeing as I, for some reason, have more motivation to write rather ten to draw :')
Welp,, see ya soon. Have a nice day :)

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