Chapter 21

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David's POV

"Olá meus amigos" I called aloud to everyone and they all nodded in acknowledgement some saying hello back "olá irmão" I said walking up to Thiago.

"Olá bitch" he replied pulling my hair and hugging me "hows amy?" He asked and I shook my head in sorrow.

"I don't know what to do with her" I said "she stays at home all day on the sofa wrapped up in her blanket crying" I told him and sat down on my bench placing my head in my hands.

Thiago put his arms around my shoulder "she's probably just overwhelmed by everything that has happened so all she needs is you attention and support and she'll be fine" he reassured me.

"No I know but it's just that she doesn't deserve any of this" I told him "she's gone through so much and it's not fair"

"It's only gossip. It'll blow over in a few weeks" thiago said confused.

"No it's not that it's just-" I took a breath and frowned remembering Amy's story about her past "other stuff" I said and he nodded understanding to drop the conversation.

We both got up and started to get changed for training.


Amy's POV

Sergio walked back out of the toilet and I sat in the same position he left me in.

"Hey your bathroom is like the coldest place on ear-" he looked at me "what's wrong?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh nothing just lost in thought" I said to him "what's were you saying?" I asked

"Oh just that your bathroom is freezing" he shivered.

"Yeah well it is the bathroom and I think the windows open" I told him and he chuckled.

"So what's wrong?" He asked again clearly not buying my earlier excuse.

"Ermm you got a text while you were in the bathroom" I said cautiously. I didn't want to raise any alarms.

"And you checked it?" He said with a raised eyebrow.

"Y-yeah" I said and he laughed.

"That's nothing to be upset about" he said and I exhaled. That wasn't what I was upset about but I think it's best if he leave it there "who was it?" He asked.

"Jon" I said with a pang in my heart. I know what you're thinking. There's only one Jon who I have on my mind right now and he spells his name like that too.

"Oh right" he said

"Who is he?" I asked. I have to know if he's related to Jon.

"He's a played on the team yeah John. We refer to him as Jon Kortajarena because he looks slightly like him" he said and I flinched big time when he mentioned his name but I don't think he noticed "you know Jon Kortajarena right? Famous Spanish Model? no? Ahh well I think he's in prison right now" he said absentmindedly.

"Really?" I said trying my hardest to control my breathing.

"Yeah think he got done for drugs? No idea why he was arrested for so long though" he told me. So no one knew.

"Maybe he deserved it" I said my anger showing but quickly diffused. I didn't want to give anything away.

"Nah he's a good man I know" pain pain pain "I met him once. I look like him slightly don't you think?" He said and I shook my head a little too fast I think.

"No" I said quickly and calmed down "nothing at all" I finished.

"Okaaaay" he said and felt my forehead "I think you should rest" he said and helped my lie down. I'm too scared to sleep now.

"Thanks for coming by" I said and he smiled.

"No problem. We train in the same place as brazil nt so David and Neymar will probably be around soon" he told me and I smiled and then he walked out.

The minute he left I got up off the sofa and walked into Jordan's room.

"What you looking for?" Chloe asked and I turned around.

"Huh? Oh um nothing" I said and continued looking.

"I heard the conversation. You're looking for his papers aren't you" she asked and I nodded.

"Here" she said finding them and handing them too me. Jordan his them because he didn't want me to be connected to him in any way but Chloe is a snoop so she probably found them the second he 'hid' them.

"Just what I thought" I said and a tear fell down my face.

"What is it?" She asked sitting next to me on the bed.

"Mr Kortajarena's 4 year long sentence will end on July 14th" I read out to her.

"But that's only in-" I nodded and her gasp broke off her sentence.

"9 days" I finished for her. All my courage finally diffusing and I collapsed on the bed in a flood of tears.

In 9 days that psychopath will be free and guess who will be the first person he visits.


Okay so what do you think? Boring? Interesting? Slow? Lame?

Let me know and I'll cater your needs.

I would just like to say one thing...



Damn boy yous turned 23 already? Didn't I tell you to wait for me?! Love you so much have a great day

Don't forget to comment and vote.

Love you biatches 💋


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