Chapter 7

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I walked down the familiar road and walked up to the door I knew oh so well. I picked up the mat and found what I was looking for.

I put the key into its pair, the lock, and twisted. I gave the door a slight tug and pushed it open. The creeping sounded almost as eerie as my footsteps echoing in the empty hall.

I walked up the stairs to the 2nd floor and stood outside the third door. I knocked to see if anyone would come open it but no one did so I twisted the door knob and it opened.

I silently walked into the unlit apartment and closed the door behind me, blocking all light from entering. I walked further into the one floor house and looked in the mirror placed above the sofa.

I saw my reflection with the moon light shining behind me. I saw what I see every day. The long nose, chiseled cheekbones, bushy eyebrows, long quiffed hair and defined jawline.

I heard something move in the darkness and my eyes immediately went to the corner of the room. Luckily nothing was there. I once again let my vanity get the best of me.

I carried on walking through the living room before I came across two doors. One I knew belonged to the brother, my old friend and one belonged to the sister, the runaway.

I slowly opened the door to the runaway's room and it creaked but I didn't mind. I held on tightly to the knife in my hand and swiftly made my way to her bed.

I had spent many nights in this room. I knew it well. I stepped only where I knew it wouldn't make a sound and managed to get to her bed quietly.

With one hand I held her waist on her right side carefully and gently and with the other, I lifted the knife into the air and into her stomach. I had done this many times before too.

She screamed but I muffled her voice with my hand and brought my mouth close to her ear and whispered.

"You can't escape me"


Amy's POV

I woke up screaming reaching under my pillow for the knife I kept for safe keeping and started wielding it around like a mad man.

I heard footsteps outside my door and screamed louder closing my eyes and swinging my knife around.

"Amy, Amy it's me-" he dodged my swing and held my arm coming closer to me. "Shhhh it's just me" he held my other arm and I was too afraid to open my eyes. "Look Amy it's me Jordan. Open your eyes Amy it's only me. You're safe"

I opened my eyes slightly and started crying. He pulled me into a strong embrace and held me tightly. "Shhhhh, shhhh" he cooed, whispering in my ear quietly while holding me close. I nuzzled my head into his chest and cried.

"He-he ca-came for me in-in my sl-sleep" I stuttered through my shaking voice. Tears free flowed down my face burning every inch of my skin. "Is there n-no place I'm sa-safe?" I cried.

"Honey shhhhh calm down it's okay now. Now you're safe. You're safe here" I jumped at the second voice but realised it was none other than my best friend and she held my arm patting my back.

I looked at her "I'm not safe Chloe. He's in my sleep" I managed to calm my cries and was able to speak properly. Jordan squeezed me slightly and I turned my face to him.

"He won't ever hurt you again Amy. I promise. If he ever comes back, I'll make sure he won't see the light of day" Jordan had the same crazy look in his eye he had the day I told him about what he had done to me and what he was doing to me.

"He won't come back Amy. He has more sense than that" Chloe and Jordan had a strong bond as they had modelled together in the past. He was like her brother too yet she was still intimidated by this very look Jordan gave. Even I was "besides if he did come back, I don't think Jordan would get a chance to touch him" she looked me straight in the eyes "I'd make sure myself that the only light he sees, will be the hell fire" she hugged me and Jordan close.

The three of us sat like this for about a minute until I had fully calmed down. Chloe let go first but Jordan held on a little longer.

"Do you think you'll be able to sleep?" He asked whispering so I wouldn't flinch at the noise.

"I don't think so" I said truthfully. I don't think I'll be able to sleep again but I didn't tell him this. He has worried enough for one night.

"Go to sleep Jordan. You have a busy day tomorrow shooting. I'll stay awake with her" Chloe stepped up. Before Jordan could say anything Chloe got under the covers with me turned the TV on to show Jordan she wasn't going anywhere.

Jordan kissed my forehead goodnight and finally left my room to go to his own. I looked at my bedside table at me alarm clock and saw it was 2 in the morning.

I hadn't told Jordan about me fainting yesterday because I knew he would take the same approach as David had. Poor Sergio hadn't done anything and I didn't want to be the reason for his sudden disappearance.

Chloe flicked through the channels looking for something to watch. The volume was very low but I could still hear it clearly.

She stopped on one program that we both loved watching. Friends. It would always cheer me up when I was feeling down so it was perfect for this moment.

Monica and Ross were having an argument when I got a text message. I looked at Chloe before seeing who it was. I was too scared to so I asked her to check for me.

"It's your dad" she said handing me my phone back and turning her attention to the TV screen again.

I looked at the messaged and saw it was indeed from Dad. It read:

Daddy⚓️: hey sweetie how you holding up? Jordan just texted me saying you had a nightmare. How many times do I have to tell you to stop watching nightmare on elm street It's not good for your health 😋 hope you feel better soon baby. I'm always thinking about you 😘.

I read the message in awe. Dad didn't know what happened between me and him. No one did except Jordan and Chloe. They agreed not to tell anyone because I was too scared for people to find out.

I replied saying that everything was okay and there was nothing to worry about and that I missed him too. I put my phone on my bedside table and placed my hand over my stomach above my waist on my right side.

I felt the bumps of tender skin that never fully healed. It was the same place he repeatedly attacked. I had no idea why he had an obsession for this spot and I didn't want to find out.

I removed my hand and grabbed the control from Chloe. She protested but huffed and sat still. I went onto Netflix and typed in a move.

"What are you doing?" She asked as I typed in the movie name.

"My dad gave me a great idea for a movie to watch" I said with a grin on my face.

"Ooooooh no, no, no, no" she grabbed the control from my hand. "Just because you aren't going to be able to sleep for the next few nights doesn't mean you stop me from doing the same. She deleted my search and typed in something her self.

"What are you doing?" I asked this time making her scoff.

"I'm picking the perfect movie" I saw what she was typing and felt an enormous smile come onto my face. I loved this movie so much.

"White chicks?" I said and she grinned pressing play.


Sorry that was short but I didn't want to make it too long because the last one was quite long.

So what did you think? How did she have her nightmare about?

I wrote this while watching Barcelona vs Granada. THE BAE SCORE HIS FIRST HAT TRICK IN LA LIGA!! So proud of you baby 😘😘

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Love you biatches 💋


Timeless (Neymar Jr fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora