Chapter 15

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Amy's POV

Sergio gasped "really?" I nodded feeling my throat swell up and my eyes go fuzzy from tears.

"I'm sorry to pour that out on you" I apologised. Maybe it wasn't right to tell him.

"No it's okay. If I got in my first fight with my best friend, I would want to let it out" he replied rubbing my shoulder assuring me everything was okay.

I hadn't told him about Jon. It's not easy bringing that topic up. And I can't just go from no-one knowing to everyone knowing.

"I don't know what to do. I'm so angry" I said. I hadn't told him what the fight was about because I knew it would raise questions.

"Well if I was in your shoes, I would cool down first. There's nothing worse than going back to it when your angry, you'll say things you don't mean and it'll get worse" he advised and I took a sip of my tea letting the warmth coat my insides.

"I guess you're right" I said sighing. "But now I have no were to go" I complained. Chloe was probably still at my place, David was only upstairs and if Chloe wasn't at my place then Jordan sure will be and I didn't want to see him either.

"Come training with me" Sergio suggested and I laughed

"I've had enough of football for the past few days" I said sipping my tea again "I don't think I can be around it any longer" I admitted

"Oh come on its not that bad. Besides I think David will be there" he said trying to cheer me up not knowing that that was the last thing I wanted to hear right now.

"Thanks but I have to go" I said getting up

"Is it something I said?" he asked getting up too trying to get me to sit down.

"No I just think I need a walk to clear my mind" I said not wanting to give away the fact that David was a touchy topic right now.

He nodded and hugged me. I then walked out of the hotel and down the road. Luckily, I always keep my headphones on me so I pulled them out of my pocket and started paying music on my phone. I put my playlist on shuffle and the first song that popped up was Party Hard/Cadillac by Chris Brown. Why does he keep popping up everywhere?

I was walking down the road kicking a can that I found on the floor. I can't believe Chloe and Jordan. I mean I've known them both my ENTIRE life and they just betray me like that? The only reason I hadn't opened up to anyone else was because I couldn't trust anyone else.

I grew up without a mum so the only other woman in my life was Jon's mum and my dad left when I was young and so did Jordan so I only had Jon's dad. The only boy I really knew was Jon and he betrayed me. His entire family turned their back on me.

From having someone to no one and back to someone again was hard. Especially since the second no one took me to hell and back every day.

I lost all faith in humanity after that. I felt obliged to talk to Jordan because he was my brother and Chloe was always there so it wasn't as if I could block her out either, but when it came to everyone else, I couldn't trust.

I only recently began to open up, ever since I started work at that stupid salon. It gave me a chance to not care about anything important because the place was so full of gossip.

And now I've made another mistake. I opened up to David. The thought of David saddened me and angered me at the same time. By this time the song had changed to Eminem The Way I Am. This made me even angrier.

I started to walk significantly faster and accidently bumped into someone. I apologised without looking at who it was and carried on walking. I then felt a tap on my shoulder and someone shouting behind me. I took out my headphones and turned around to see Neymar standing there with Dre beats around his neck.

"Hey... you okay?" he asked slightly worried in his broken English.

"I'm fine thanks" I said putting my headphones back in. I dint really want any more to do with this football team. They're all the same. Can't trust one, can't trust any of them.

He then took my headphones out of my ears "olha , se você não quer falar sobre isso, não tem problema . Mas eu só quero que você saiba que tudo o que você e David estavam discutindo hoje o tinha afetado muito" (look if you don't want to talk about it, it's okay. But I just want to let you know that whatever you and David were arguing about today had affected him a lot) he said and I just looked at him confused. He took out his phone but I just shook my head. I don't have time for this.

He quickly typed it in and followed me as I walked away. He then shoved the phone in my face.

"Neymar-" I said but he insisted so I took the phone in a huff and quickly read what was written on it. "Huh cute" I scowled. I then wrote a reply and quickly walked off before he could stop me.

I walked further down the path and took the turn and managed to walk into David. Just my luck!

I groaned "if I knew that this was the Brazil player's pathway I WOULD NOT HAVE WALKED DOWN IT!" I shouted showing my anger not caring about his reaction.

He then walked off. Wait what? Where does he think he's going? I tapped hi on the shoulder and he turned around. I then stood there expectantly and he just turned around and started walking again.

"OI" I called and he turned around.

"What?" he said as if he hadn't seen me before.

"Don't you have something to say?" I said to hi raising my eyebrows.

"Not really no" he shrugged.

"How dare you!" I hissed.

"Amy, everything I said was true. You're just too stubborn to see that. For the short period of time I've known you, I've noticed that you push people away. The face that you only have one friend makes it more obvious" he said and I can't begin to explain how I'm feeling right now.

"You only feel that way because I wouldn't go out with you! I rejected you and now you feel then need to twist my already twisted path as an excuse for it rather than admit that not everyone is into you! Why would someone want a low life, pathetic, needy piece of shit like you?!" I yelled and I noticed a crowd gathering around.

"Amy-" he began but shut up. He then cleared his throat and started again "Amy, I'm sorry if I came across as rude, but I couldn't just sit here and watch you throw your life away" he then quieted down so no one else could here "I know he hurt you, but not everyone is like that, you have to learn to trust people again" I scoffed.

"I did try" I said "but you betrayed me" I felt tears falling down. All my anger had gone and was now replaced by hurt.

"I know but it wasn't intentional. Amy even you know that I like you so why on earth would I do anything to hurt you?" he said now in a more soothing voice than his spiteful one from before.

"I don't think I can trust you again" I said looking up at him.

"I know you can" he replied "but for now, I guess we should start with the basics" he smiled and outstretched his hand "I'm David, I love playing football, my position is defender, my qualities are: awesomeness, funny, tall, a great friend, and making the best brigadeiro's" he smiled.

"Hard to trust someone who's already lying" I joked and he laughed I then took his hand a shook it. One down two to go.


So what do you think?

BRUH!! Can we just talk about Neymars hairstyle for a second? Like what the fuck was he thinking? At least we don't have to worry about him getting a girlfriend anytime soon! Even I don't want to look at him right now.

PSYCH!!! I will always look at bae!

Don't forget to comment and vote for the chapter.

Love you biatches 💋


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