1. Before

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Caution; Trigger warning! Blood, Death, Self harm, Guns.

*Violets points of veiw*

"CHI-CA-GO! CHI-CA-GO! CHI-CA-GOOO!" My class chanted and cheered. We were on our way to visit chicago for our senior trip, we lived in boring old Oregon so this was an exciting trip for us. We were chanting and playing games through our adrenaline of going to the city; we had insisted on taking the bus instead of a plane so it was going to be a long ride. Though it may have been childish, we were all playing a very intense game of truth or dare.

"Violet it's you're turnnnn" My best friend Carey shouted as she nudged me with her elbow.

"Again?? Fine. Hm... I'm going to say dare because I have chosen truth every other time" I replied.

Excited about my choice she exclaimed "Sweet! I dare you to make out with you're boyfriend jacky boy right here and now in front of us all"

I glanced at my boyfriend Jack (I have known him since kindergarten and we had just began dating a few months back.) He gave me a nervous smile and I could tell that he wasn't to keen on doing that in front of everybody and to be honest neither was I. In a stuttery voice he told Carey "um I'm not sure that's a great idea... can you choose something a little bit less, er, personal maybe?"

"Yeah, Care, choose something else. Plus straight A students aren't ones to be naughty haha" I said, backing up Jack. She gave me a pouty face and started bickering with me about it. It was annoying arguing with her in front of all my friends about whether I was going to make out with somebody. After a while I gave in.

"Screw it" I cupped Jack's face with both of my hands and kissed him. He jumped at my sudden actions at first but gave in and slid his hands around my back pulling me close to close the gap between us. The whole bus cheered. Suddenly, through the cheering, I heard an ear-splitting scream from the front of the bus and that was no cheer. We instantly broke apart and everybody strained to see what was happening; there was a crowd of men dressed in a deep green blocking the road. I noticed each of them were carrying a gun. Not a second later the bus swerved and crashed into a building throwing my body 3 seats forward.

I woke up a few minutes later to screams, smoke, and chaos. I was laying on my stomach on the ground of the crunched bus, my eyesight very blurry. I scanned my surroundings: Outside of the bus was chaos. There were people running from the green hooded men who were shooting anybody in sight. Inside of the bus there was a girl ahead of me laying unconcious over a torn seat, her leg bent in two places. My brain instantly snapped to look for Jack only to see that he was right next to me also scanning his surroundings. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up. "JACK we need to go. Right now."

He met my eyes with a petrified gaze and nodded as we ran out of the bus. We looked for a building that seemed safe to hide in; I wasn't even thinking about any of my friends at the moment. Jack suddenly pointed at a tall building a little ways ahead and said "There! lets run up a few floors and hide, hopefully they won't come raiding in."

"Good idea" I replied as we began sprinting to the building. But just a few seconds later some of the men spotted us and began chasing.

"Stop right there or we will shoot you where you stand!!!!" One of them yelled. We stopped in our tracks and slowly turned around, pure fear shooting through our bodies.

"Damnnn girl you're looking awfully fine." The man cooed as he strutted over to me looking me up and down and... licking his lips.  I shuddered and just gave him a fearful and angered glare while Jacks fists tightened.  "Why don't you pop a tit for us dollface and I'll let you go with your shy fag of a boyfriend here huh? Show us what you got doll."  We stood in silence  unsure of how to act, but to my demise Jack grabbed my hand and tried to sprint and get away.

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