2. Moving

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*Violet's point of view*

I sat in the backseat of the car just staring out the window. The last time I had a long car ride like this... well... yeah. I tried as hard as I could to keep my mind on the bright side of a new city and away from the past. It almost felt like I was in one of those sad movies when the girl just stares out of the window of a moving car and a song plays in the background showing her view from the window. I just let my mind wander to those thoughts.

"Hey mom what should I be expecting in Gotham?" I asked

"Well, I know that it is a very large city with a large economy and population. Like every city there are the wealthy sides and the rundown sides. I heard everything is run by a corporation called Wayne Enterprises... of course you already know that because you will be working there at the head building. But there was one curious thing I have heard about it. They have these celebrities with odd nicknames such as Batman, Catwoman, The Riddler, The Penguin, and The Joker. It was definatly an odd detail. Anyway, when we arrive you will quickly have to go down to Wayne Enterprises main building, a girl named Samantha will give you a tour and catch you up on all things work and Gotham." Mother explained/rambled on.

About an hour after that we finally arrived in Gotham. My mother was right, it was huge. The first building to catch my eye was sure enough Wayne Enterprises. It was the largest skyscraper I have ever seen. We passed the GCPD, I was glad to see they had a sustainable police department. After a bit of staring in awe at Gotham City we pulled into our apartment. It was homey, with two bedrooms, half bathroom, full bathroom (one in each bedroom), and a kitchen/living room area. We chose one of the nicer apartments and tried to stay away from the cheaper side; the narrows. I quickly unpacked my things into my bedroom (I took the smaller one since I am planning on moving out in a few months). I changed out of my hoodie and jeggings into a pair of maroon dress-pants, white undershirt, and soft grey knitted throw making a note to continue to hide my cuts. I took one last look at myself in the mirror making sure I look presentable rush out of my room and kiss my parents goodbye to be on my to my tour.

After a few minutes of driving I pull into the huge parking garage of Wayne Enterprises and enter the building lobby to let them know I was there and ready for my tour. They said Samantha would be right with me so I sat down and grabbed a small paper cup of water as I waited. Shortly after a woman with light brown curly hair came skipping up to me and held out her hand.

"Hello! I'm Selina Kyle. You must be our new girl named after a flower or something; Brucey told me a new recruit from outside of Gotham would be coming in today for a tour." the woman said in a friendly, bubbly tone.

"Uh, yes, I'm Violet Hudson I just moved here from Oregon. I was told my guide's name is Samantha did something change?" I replied.

Selina chuckles and says "Oh, well, she's unconscious and tied to a chair in that room over there at the moment so I am just going to tour you for her. Plus, it get's pretty boring around here when you don't feel like robbing something." pointing to a small broom closet across the way.

A little confused I gave a nervous laugh and said "Um... well uh... okay then... What made you want to come and fill in for Samantha? Leave your, er, robbing?" Trying to spark a little conversation.

"Well actually I came in planning on robbing Bruce's office of the fancy platinum pens (we're pals you know) but then I saw you grab one of those paper cups and you're sleeve fell down revealing lines that I am sure weren't from an accident. So I figured that you looked like a good time and I tied up Samantha so I could tour you" that overexcited blonde always rustled my fur... ugh. Selina thought and returned my question with a lighthearted and giddy smile.

At first I was very confused by what she had just said and began to question if there was a girl actually tied to a chair in that broom closet. Then, my mind went back to her seeing my cuts. "I, um, uh... please dont judge me from my lines it was the last time I was going to do that i swear. but... um, uh.... I.... I'm glad you think I look fun??" Oh god I couldn't have said that anymore awkwardly. Then again, I'm not sure of the level of comfort I have around Selina.

"Haha you're an awkward one. Anyways, ever since Ivy stopped hanging out with me for her deadly plants and perfume that makes people do her bidding I haven't had a mischief partner. I mean, we're all a little insane right? But only the good ones show it. You cut yourself and that's how I know your a good one. Yeah yeah you think I'm crazy but so are you. It starts out with hurting yourself physically as a distraction from emotional pain probably caused by an accident in the past and then that just leads to you physically hurting other people. Nobody ever talks about it but all of us villians start out with trauma and self harm; Ed used to cut just like you do, Ozzie would purposely go a week without sleeping, Zsasz literally carves a line in his arm every time he murders somebody, and I would claw at the back of my hand. Sometimes in order to be great you have to give into the crazy you know? Now I just grow my nails out and use them for scratching hobo's eyes out." She explains/rambles with a wink.

I just stood there almost dumbstruck. I was so confused at what had just happened and even more awed at her exact prediction as to why I harm. But... I'm not crazy, right? Ugh snap out of it me, I am here for a tour of Wayne Enterprises; not to be told I am a phycopath by whom I am sure is a thieving criminal. But, I wasn't sure what I should do...

"Hey, you still alive in there?? I mean, you don't have to have fun with me, but if so I think I said to much... so I might have to tie you up with Samantha and bring you to Pengy if that's alright. Hopefully he won't kill you!!" Selina cheerily says brining my mind back down to Earth. I thought for a second... If I just go with her I assume she will allow me to go home after and hopefully I will never see her again. If I stay and she is telling the truth I really don't want to be tied up... Ugh. Why in God's name am I having to think about a choice like this at a place of my new job. But quite honestly, I didn't care. Anything is a distraction from my pain.

"No ma'am.! That's alright, I'll go with you. Plus you were right, what I do is to mask a horrible event in my past. Hopefully this will be a good distraction, er, a better one than the first day at an office job." I finally answered, just going along with her proposal. As confusing as this entire situation is I didn't want to make it worse.

"Alright great! Let's get a bite to eat, I'm starving. We can stop at Bruce's place to knick some of Alfred's pasta. Do you mind if we take your car? Okay great." She cheerily stated grabbing my hand to lead me out the door and have me point out the car. I wasn't sure who this Bruce character Selina was mentioning is, along with Ed, Ozzie, and Zsasz. But I wasn't planning on asking either.

A little while later after a god-awful quiet drive (I drove, my eyes glazed onto the road while Selina sat sprawled in the backseat filing her very sharptipped cat paw like gloves shouting directions to I'm assuming her friend Bruce's house) we finally arrived at "Bruce's place". I pulled down the long twisted driveway of the most exquisite detail and beauty mansion with a plaque off to the side that had the words "Wayne Manor" perfectly etched into the stone


Yup there's chapter two. Sorry it took forever to update... plus it's not like anybody reads it haha. Let me know what you think! Next chapter Violet should be meeting joker/jay/jack. Let me know what you think please I love comments.

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