3. Wayne Manor

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All I could do was gawk at the grandness of the mansion before me.  I had so many questions... What kind of friends could this deranged "cat girl" have?? This must be some sort of bed and breakfast and "Bruce" lives in one of the rooms.

"Hey, don't start drooling. Jeez, you get so lost in your thoughts don't ya.  Stay here a minute while change, I have some, er, errands to run after our visit with rich boy.  Plus, gotta look my best!" Selina said waving in front of my face then jogging back to the car to change (for some reason.) She sounded so childish, but honestly I wasn't paying much attention to her.  Ugh I let my mind wander again.  I thought to myself with a little more logic... what am I doing?? I need to find a way to get out of here and back to my new job.

Before I got the chance to somehow find away away from this crazy woman she grabbed my hand (more like sleeve that concealed my hand) and began dragging me up the elegant staircase to the sleek towering doors.  After being slammed out of my thoughts again I looked at the her and noticed her new outfit.  It was a sleek, skintight, black bodysuit.  It accented every curve and muscle and had a... tail? She held a matching mask like piece in her other hand that had something that resembled cat ears on top of it.  Wow... she really was crazy.  I was so confused. 

There were so many questions buzzing in my mind. For starters why she would wear tight vigilante-like suit and why it resembled a cat and why she was wearing it to a mysterious mansion that apparently belonged to her friend Bruce and why she brought me with her and why she said she tied up my tour and... and... oh my god what is happening to me. 

I snapped myself out of my own thoughts (yeah it's a recurring thing) and brought my mind to the doors we had arrived at, but rather than knocking she just walked right into manor.  It was unlike anything I had ever seen.  There was a sheek modern appeal to it with many beautiful framed paintings lining the long elegant halls.  My eyes darted over the sheen wood flooring, beautifully detailed rugs, and extravagant furnitures as Selina lead me into the kitchen area.  Despite all my questions I blurted out "This is your friends home!??"

Selina chuckled  "Yeah, buddy old pal boy billionaire Bruce Wayne is stacked with more dough than he will ever need.  I like to take advantage." As she opened the fridge and began snacking on a decadent looking panna cotta.

"Stay here while I go look for him or Alfred.  Feel free to raid his cupboards he won't care." Selina called out to me but when I went to protest she had just disappeared.  Ignoring all of the confusion I had the first thing I thought about was getting out of here.  The crazy criminal was gone for the time being so now was my chance.  I bolted as fast as I could back through the way we came without making noise praying that she wouldn't catch me.  My eye caught the familiar towering doors and I ran to them carefully pulling them open sprinting to my small rusted yellow car.  I jammed the key in the lock and drove away not daring to look back in fear that she was for some reason chasing me.

I could barely wrap my mind around that incredibly strange event I had just endured.  I didn't want to think about Selina or Wayne Manor anymore.  God... I need a distraction.  First day in Gotham and I've already managed to run into a crazy person. 

Well... it's not gonna be the last; I was supposed to have started my new job today as an adult therapist at Arkham asylum representing Wayne Enterprises.  When I think of an asylum I think of a jail/hospital for loonies.  But arkham is also just for regular people in need of a therapist.  You would think a city as big as Gotham would have places outside of an asylum for struggling people to go to, I guess Arkham is just that large. 

I have no idea how I got the job, I'm just barely qualified only having an associates degree in phycology through online college over my four years off the deep end.  I'm also only 21 years old, funny, I always think of a therapist being a kind old woman.

I also don't really know why I want to be a therapist for struggling adults.  I guess it's because I know what a crappy life is like and one single event can push you over.  Nobody could pull me out of my hole, god with my cutting and pain I'm still in the hole... I don't wish that for anybody else so I hope that I can be the person to lift another out .  With my experience and empathy I hope to make a difference with someone's struggles.

"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING DAMNIT!" I once again got lost in thought and was quickly pulled out by the sound of somebody yelling at me. I guess I ran a red light.... where was I even going? Right, a drink.

I drove for a few more minutes until I found a cheep looking bar and pulled into it's small lot. I fumbled for my wallet and uncaring of being in my work attire I walked into the bar. It definitely was small and there were only a handful of people in there. I observed a man in a long coat in the corner of indeterminate age, a very groggy middle aged woman at the bar with a timid young bartender handing her another drink, a pair of older men in the middle at a table, and an impatient looking tattooed man leaning on a wall smoking a suspicious looking cigar. Nobody spared me a glance as I walked to the bar.

"Just a whiteclaw for now, please." I said to the bartender trying to sound as little annoyed as I could. He quickly grabbed the can from the back and handed it to me going right back to his seat to fiddle with his hands. I sat and sipped my drink not allowing my mind to wander past the fizzing liquid sliding down my throat.

But the quiet and my blank thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sound of the door busting open. I snapped my head in that direction startled by the sudden noise to see four very routy and clearly drunk men.

"Jesus Christ you guys took forever!! Remind me never to never let you guys go bar hopping without me again." shouted the smoking tattooed man that had been in the building. The routy men walked over to him and they all made their way to the bar, settling the group of seats to my left. They all got some beers and were laughing and shouting profanity every other second. I shifted my gaze to the counter in front of me and tried to block them out and sip my now second drink in peace.

I tried to ignore them but they were just so loud and were beginning to really annoy me. I contemplated leaving after I finished my drink. But then I felt one of the men's eyes on me, staring. Out of the corner of my eye I could see one of them watching me and then whispered something to his buddy. I was beginning to feel uncomfortable... but then the two of them began to make there way towards me.

"Why hello there sweetness" One of them sneered in a sickly sweet voice. I reluctantly looked up. Oh boy were they drunk... and based off of their tattoos, leather pants, boots, and white tank tops I knew they were definitely no gentlemen.

"What brings you here, ya don't look like the type to sit at a bar like this." He said creepily looking me up and down.

"Bad day." I replied and looked back down at the counter.

"That's a shame. I bet I can make it better! You sure are a pretty one." The second man interjected with a smirk, his voice dripping with lust.

"I'm sorry do you need something?" I spat at them showing my annoyance.

"Ah feisty, I like that. No we don't need something, but a man can have his wants." He replied to my snark, an even bigger smirk tugging at his lips. He inched closer and put his hand on my thigh

"Go drink yourself to oblivion you pig." I hissed.

"Hey, now that's no way to talk to a man, Angel." He spat with less sweetness in his voice.

"Please leave me alone." I said with fake affection and a sarcastic smile, really wanting them to go away.

"I don't like your attitude. Pop a tit for us dollface and then we'll leave you alone." He sneered, squeezing my thigh tighter and practically rubbing up on me, I could smell the alcohol and sweat radiating off him.

Pop a tit for us dollface and then we'll leave you alone

Pop a tit for us dollface



Okay there's the third chapter! How do you guys think she will react to those very familiar words? By the way she will be meeting Joker in the next chapter. (I know I said that last time but this time I'm telling the truth haha) Please comment your thoughts!!!

Were all a little insaneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant