Incorrect Quotes cos cos

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Arlo: You are literally the worst person in the world and I want you to die.

John: Well, then... that makes two of us.


Arlo: You want to die?

John: Yes. Constantly.


Isen: Here you are, Blyke, a nice hot cup of coffee.

Blyke: It's cold.

Isen: A nice cup of coffee, then.

Blyke: It's literally disgusting.

Isen: A cup of coffee.

Blyke: I don't think this is coffee.

Isen: A cup.

Blyke: You made this in a jar.

Isen: A

Blyke: [casually stands up and smashes jar over head]


Arlo: So what's the new rule?

Blyke and Remi: No daring Isen to do stupid and or harmful things.

Arlo: And why is that?

Isen [muttering]: Because I have no regard for my personal wellbeing.

Arlo: That's right.


Isen: What did the ocean say to the other ocean.

Cecile: ...What?

Isen: Nothing, they just waved :D.

Cecile: No. We're not doing this now.

Isen: I'm shore you liked my pun, Cecile.

Isen: You couldn't even sea it as a little funny?


Cecile: Suffocate.


Arlo [eying up the alcohol section in a supermarket]: ...What if instead of milk I put vodka in my cereal?

Rei [slowly pushing him away]: What if you didn't?


Arlo: Are you guys going to plan B?

Remi: Technically, that would be plan G.

Arlo: ...How many plans do you three have?

Remi: It goes up to M, but Isen dies in plan M.

Blyke [quietly raises hand]: I like plan M.

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